After reading the headline, I kinda feel the need to be deloused in an acid bath. To actually be touched by Trump? Ew.
I have to wonder where she was while Megyn Kelly was being attacked for bleeding out of “wherever”, or when other issues regarding women came up.
I also wonder where the other women claiming to be groped or molested were in the primary.
This is not to discount anything they say, just to wonder why now and why not before. I guess that, like for many Republicans, it just hit a tipping point with the Access Hollywood video and debate denials.
So is there a magic number of women who have to come forward before they are believed? Will the GOP only unendorse Trump if 10 women come forward? 15? 20? At what point does the GOP and media recognize that HO is not Presidential, but pathological? Why are they still pretending?
They still believe they can hold the fort in the House.
That’s why the timing of these dam-bursts is so deliciously metronomic.
There is no recovery for Trump. None.
And every ® running for office/backing Trump-- will have their judgement questioned for weeks.
And then? It’s November 8th!
The Republicans will double down now.
It’s a fair bet that this will remain a “he said/she said” controversy, which gives some cover.
These many women were intimidated by Drumpf’s wealth and power. The reason they are surfacing now is that they are sick of it. And as more of them come forward, even more will. Hell, I’m of the mind the “best” is yet to come.
This is exactly what happened with Bill “America’s Dad” Cosby. I can only hope that after Herr Coir Coif’s spectacular, historical thrashing at the polls he suffers the same number of accusations, and their resulting lawsuits.
Methinks the man is going down. Thank you, FSM.
I’m not so sure. When there is an undeniable pattern established, coupled with the words of the Orange Shitgibbon himself …
BTW: There’s also a lot of pressure coming down on the producer of “The Apprentice” to release the outtakes. He’s also said he wouldn’t sue if transcripts were leaked.
This can very easily be explained away because Bill Clinton once did something wrong in the 1990s. And Bill O’Reilly told me that the lamestream media has been ordered to destroy Trump. And did I mention Benghazi? And this happened when Donald was a Democrat so it’s fine.
I agree completely. I’m just predicting how Republicans will behave.
@tiowally Look, even the Cosby thing is he said/she said at this point. People were defending him when there were 5, 10, 20 accusers. When the number got over 30, then support folded.
@tiowally LOL at tote board. Too bad Russert isn’t around.
Sorry. I didn’t read it that way. Perhaps my abject glee has diminished my reading comprehension skills.
This is quickly turning into a situation where, when it’s time to tally up the number of accusers, somebody on MSNBC will be yelling “Let’s go to the tote board!”
Yes. And now Bill Clinton will prestadigically become Bill Cosby (per Bannon).
Sorry. That trick was tried once-- and the magician’s apprentices mangled it horribly.
Great Shirt!
Penicillin usually cures that. Someone should tell Donnie…
The best part is the reaction . Lawsuits ???
That will keep the issue front and center for the remainder .
Delicious . I love me some toast in the morning
At least we are not talking about his Tax Returns …
“Hey, she should be grateful-how much biglyer a compliment can Mr. Trump give any chick?” says the average Trump voter.
Not so much he said/she said as he said on tape/he denies/THEY say he was right the first time.