Discussion for article #241841
I hope fake tRump tweets goes viral. Couldn’t be anything but comedy gold.
Do the 3 times in this article count?
I think Twitter must be like MaryJane, makes people crazy and killers and suiciders. I spray for tweets, I think I have them under control. Freaking tie-dye punks. Nothing has been the same since Sputnik. Get a haircut.
I pretty sure that @realDonaldTrump is a French art student’s thesis project in ironic deconstruction.
Conservatives should stop defending GWB and his failed policies which lead to a Stealth Socialist becoming President. If GWB wasn’t such a complete failure there wouldn’t be a real Socialist running for President now.
GWB will go down in history as the President who lost the Constitutional Republic. If dead people, felons, and non-citizens help elect another Democrat President the Constitutional Republic is gone. The ony way to bring it back would be an outright rebellion against Seditious Progressive Democrats in public office.
TRUMP may be our last chance to save America from itself, only time will tell.
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Either you’re a poor copy-cat of TGOET trying to carve out your own ironic performance art niche or you’re just a garden variety troll. Either way, as you said, only time will tell… Time’s up. Trump’s a chump. He couldn’t save America from a slight chill if he stood smack in the middle of it and set himself on fire.
He’s complaining about all the people hitting him up about this tweet but all he’s gotta do is delete it. But it’s still there
Bye Bye Duggie
I’ve always said that once we hit peak wingnut, it will be impossible to distinguish between actual winger statements and parodies.
Retweets from Joan Walsh, CJ Werleman and Markos Moutlitsas … the Left will invent things to defame someone too.
he’s a garden variety troll who has been missing for a while. probably out for treatment.
And Trump is the perennial “C” student.
So, he does it loudly and crudely.
Ah, the troll’s troll.
OK Trump didn’t write it but I have a strong feeling he’s thought it quite a lot, and when he read it he probably said, “exactly”!
Not so much invent as juxtapose. Trump is the third generation of an immigrant family and he does oppose immigrants and thinks they steal jobs when the economic fact is that immigrants expand the economy. Of course, a lot of people found that fake tweet convincing.
Wait - are you the real DugFmJamul?
Maybe Donald Trump will tweet something about the drone program so it finally becomes newsworthy.