If the womp fits, womp it.
ANonymous Sources faKE NEws Just makes UP anonymous sources TO make Trump LOOK bad. EVERYONE at THE WHITE hOUSE IS the happiest they’ve ever been. EVER. A friend whom I caNT NAME told me. hE DOESN’T WANT TO STEAl trumPS THUNDER.
World’s tiniest violin. And, they shouldn’t feel “depressed.” They should feel CULPABLE.
Well - now you know how the majority of the country feels. Seriously, though, it’s too late, baby, it’s too late.
On your resumé, just omit time you worked in the White House. When the interviewer asks about it, say you were in prison.
The White House staff is depressed, the American people with a few exceptions are depressed, and the only happy man in the country is PuPPet and his offshore friend is happy also.
“Nobody wants to take on the public heat of resigning right now,"
So sticking around will be better?
Trump is your boss…you know that right?
Yeah, staying will be much better than leaving, great thinking.
2020 Former TrumpWH employee applying for a job:
HR person: “And what did you do from 2016 to 2018 ? your CV has a gap there”
Former WH employee: “I was in jail for an unfortunate DUI incident. Won’t happen again”
@riverstreet was composing my answer before I saw yours, sorry
Would that they were or will be.
According to Politico, morale hasn’t been this low in the White House since …
… the day before.
Outside of right-wing organizations and other right-wing pols, who’s going to hire these “staffers”? Servicing Trump is a career-killer. Everything Trump touches dies.
Sucks to find out the libs were right about your boss all along.
…or playing piano for a whorehouse.
I pity the career staffers. People who came in with the sewage-laden tide, you can damn well starve for all I care. Oh, and how’d that charming T-shirt put it? Fuck your feelings? Times a million, you sociopathic punks.
It is important to secure convictions for perjury, fraud, conspiracy and other crimes, otherwise like Cheney, Bolton, K.T. McFarland and others they will come back in some future administration with rehabilitated resume.
Overt treason is the last straw!
Join the club…
To be fair, many of them will be unemployable after they leave. Some of them kind of have to stay so that they can pay their bills.
No one is forcing these anonymous WH staff to stay. So quit. I could care less about morale in the WH .If propping up an incompetent POTUS is depressing, leave. Trump is an angry, abusive tyrant, resign. He refuses to heed the advice of his experts, publicly humiliates those close to him, violates the oath of office daily. Walk out the door and talk to anyone and everyone about it. Go on record. I am far more concerned about the health of our country, our constitution, and standing in the world than I am about depression among the WH staff. No one has handcuffed them to their desks.