Discussion: Pentagon Conducted ‘Damage Control’ Following Trump Threats To Pull Out Of NATO

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What about the “damage control” of having the Dotard and the GOP running rampant in this country?

That’s more of a threat than anything…


The good thing, such as it is, is that the President of the United States has so astonishingly little credibility that I doubt these phone calls were made to skeptical listeners. We know he’s a lying bullshitter, they know he’s a lying bullshitter, every intelligent and informed person on the planet knows he’s a lying bullshitter.

If he didn’t lie so profusely, such out-of-the-blue pronouncements would probably be even more damaging.




I have been looking at recent pictures of Donald Trump. He is 72 years old and does nothing to take care of himself. He is looking puffier and puffier as each day goes by. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t have a physical breakdown at some point on this trip or shortly after his return to the US.

We need to prepare for President Pence. Hug.

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In a press conference on Thursday, Trump wouldn’t answer questions about his threats to pull out of the alliance over allies’ defense contributions, but said that withdrawing the U.S. would be “unnecessary” because “people have stepped up today like they’ve never stepped up before.”


Mother will be in charge? About time we had a woman President, I say.


Why the hell do world leaders even talk to this idiot any more? Haven’t they learned yet? He clearly has no idea what he’s doing, spends most of his time talking shit about you and your country (unless you’re Putin), and nothing he says matters anyway because he’ll just turn around and lie about it the next day. Stick with back channels to Defense and State and ignore Trump.


Article 5. NATO requires all members, especially the US, to step up in the event the Russians move on NATO members. World leaders are frightened that Trump won’t step up if Putin decides to absorb one or more NATO members in Eastern Europe.


I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that this is already happening. Has been happening.


Pence is scary too, but right now, we have the alliance of evangelicals and racists. With Pence, we just have half of it. The Combo is the GOP base, and splintering it is gonna be interesting. We absolutely must get Dems in Congress in Nov.

Come on, Pentagon officials – you’re the ones with the guns. Donald is a clear national and world threat. Do your job.

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When a foreign reporter asked Donnie why we should believe what he says now is correct and that he won’t change his position as soon as he gets on the plane, Donnie said, no, that’s not me; that’s what other people do.

You’ve got to give the reporters credit for keeping a straight face.


Every job has its horrific moments, but the actual career people who have to clean up after him must experience more than their share. I’m not talking about the political appointees. I’m talking about the people who actually make things happen and have stuck around to be sure that we don’t end up as the main course in a mushroom cloud. Those people must go home and drink heavily every evening.

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When President Donald Trump left the NATO summit on the heels of threats to pull out of the alliance, the Pentagon made calls to defense officials in Europe to offer reassurances that the U.S. would not abandon their defense posts in the region

How can this be possible, pentagon contradicting the CIC… something seems amiss here

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Well…as Donald J. Trump himself said, the day after he left the NATO summit…NATO is working like…like…A FINE TUNED MACHINE…and the Deep State people in the Department of Defense and CIA are all working like fine tuned machines to call their overseas counterparts and tell them our President is a fucking moron and self centered professional celebrity who doesnt know shit about his job. Sorry about that…and all the money and time you all spent for a real, actual NATO Summit, while he just prepared to embarrass himself and our country.

“Waiste deep in the Big Muddy,
And the big fool said to push on.”

-Pete Seeger

The Pentagon is playing the part of the Sergeant in the song.

fwiw Because NATO is a treaty (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) donald cannot unilaterally withdraw - the input from congress would be required.

You nailed it so well. We’ve probably exhausted our outrage supply in the last few years. A blithering idiot, bull in the China Shop performance on the international stage, gathering headlines with his name on them and fulfilling, as Nichole Wallace named it - Putin’s “Honey Do” list – and it’s just another normal day.


Or, unless he’s meting with you face-to-face.