And its a strong argument, with by a pretty lengthy history of precedent and a clearly identified history of Spencer’s group engaging in violence. My guess is, if Spencer did take this to court (which I don’t think he will) that would be the center argument…the balance between allowing free expression of unpopular views with the states requirement to protect the property and lives of its citizens.
I like this plan. Peaceful resistance.
Both sides. Both sides. Is Penn state canceling all of the alt-left rallies on campus? By which I mean, of course, the classes.
Thing is, I’m a free-speech hawk. It doesn’t mean much if people with really offensive views can’t speak freely. But like @sickofitall says, there’s no compulsion to put your folks in danger because of it that I know of. There’s a demonstrated welcoming of violence among these people and a troubling trend toward using open carry as a tactic of intimidation.
That said, I’ve always thought the best counter protest would be for the fascists to march or rally in an empty square. Nobody there to look at your stupid faces at all.
The second best is tubas:
ETA Whoops I think that’s a sousaphone.
How can one pivot with such tiny girly hands?
I mean, people are saying…
Michigan State and LSU have also said ix-nay to Spencer. And the Aggies and the Gators.
It’s times like this that I’m glad I went to a private university…
I remember the very vigorous debate about divestment in South Africa over apartheid – one that the administration didn’t want to really have on campus and did their best to keep things reigned in. Since we were constrained, we got creative and had the programming council invite speakers to campus that couldn’t be denied – including Alex Haley (Roots) and Archbishop Desmond TuTu. Imagine trying to justify keeping a best-selling African American author out — or as a nominally church-affiliated university denying a religious leader the ability to speak.
Which is just to say, there are creative ways to do these things other than shouting matches. (See @mattinpas post about tubas or conversely – bagpipes!.)
Kind of ironic that these people that tend to hate colleges would, however, love to speak there. Maybe they should just start their own institution of learning hating.

What happens if Spencer offers to pay for overwhelming security?
If he pays for security and the liabilities (thru an insurance company), it will be illegal for him to stop. Govt just can’t stop free speech, even the one it doesn’t like. PSU gets money from govt, so it will need to live with that.
Free speech does not mean you are guaranteed a place to speak or an audience to listen. There is no right to be heard, published, broadcast or for a captive audience.
How about a reasonable accommodation. Spencer can live stream whatever speech he wants, and any Penn State students who want to listen and watch can go online and do so. Oh wait, he can do that now, and there’s little risk of violence, property damage or physical injury (unless you include throwing one’s own laptop against the wall when he starts his hate speech). However, there’s not the big crowd he yearns for.
Spencer’s worst nightmare: not having anyone to talk to
Kind of ironic since it was Lincoln who signed the Morell act which created land grant colleges.
Just throw your shoes at them and turn your back
He can go speak on a soapbox on a street corner. Nothing stopping him there.
Another difference is the Klan / Nazis have elements working in the WH and the “Radical Muslims” don’t (? )
I am a liberal but I am also an attorney. Hate speech is protected speech under the First Amendment. However, a university may take action if there is an imminent threat of violence. That is the University’s position. Whether that would pass constitutional muster on a prior restraint claim, I don’t know. Personally, I am glad the university is taking this position.
Ya know - this is a brilliant idea! Just tell the Current Occupant that they’re marching bands and he’ll pay for it!
And adding bagpipes is also inspired. Plus a boombox playing the soothing sounds of crickets. And maybe giggling.
Exactly. He is free to roam the streets and rant, like Alex Jones.
I agree, Daviejones. Whether it could overcome the issue of prior restraint, I don’t know. The ban against prior restraint is nearly absolute. It would be tough to overcome, but this may be an example of where it could be. Interesting times…