Play-doh for all!
Trump: Pence is actually better suited. He can use normal non-Gold toilets.
Pence: I am actually looking at my Post Impeachment position and 2020.
Please place “Do Not Touch” signs on every light socket near a puddle that you can find.
As if it weren’t bad enough that Der Furor is coming to distract from rescue and relief efforts, here comes Mike Dense to add to the confusion. Wonderful.
I trust he’ll come armed with his Ts & Ps.
@old_curmudgeon It’s all part of the Shock Doctrine. Buckle in.
The water’s fine to swim in. Don’t worry about sharks or flesh-eating bacteria.
He will no doubt stand on a highway overpass and look “sternly” at the disaster below in order to make sure Harvey knows he is sincere. That approach has worked so well on the Korean DMZ. Actually I am surprised that the Veep is actually making himself visible. So far, his MO of hiding in the shadows, forming his own PAC, and holding dinner meetings with major donors has (amazingly) failed to pique the paranoia of his boss.
Keep your friends close Donnie…and your enemies closer and in the case of Mikey, don’t let him out of your sight.
He is going to be disappointed when the seas do not part.
Orange one’s poll numbers at work here?
Pence will have a great place to stay at Osteen’s empty church.
These two will be able to pray away all the suffering in a quiet atmosphere.
He needs to explain that this all happened because that homosexual mayor Houston had a few year’s back. God put it on his to-do list, and didn’t get around to slamming Houston until he was done messing up them Muslim lives over in Syria.
He’ll be like Moses and part the waters of the flood so all the rich white people can get out of Houston.
I can’t imagine the people of Houston loving Pence any more than Trump. And I can’t wait to hear what Juanita Jean has to say about the visit from this stupid motherfucker. I have jelly-jar glasses with more intelligence than Mike Pence.
Mother will hand out bags of Cool Ranch Doritos, which she understands to be a native Texan snack.
Pence is very concerned about restroom usage at the shelters…
Excellent point.
As I watch coverage I’m struck by the lack of wealthy people huddled on boats.
Are gated communities now moated?
Nix that!
wealthy people can afford to pay for hotel rooms outside the area so are more likely to leave, that and i would wager that on average wealthy neighborhoods are not built in areas that are likely to flood, unless its right next to a river or pond, but in that case see my first point.
Good lord! Indeed. Bacteria, mold, all kinds of water-born diseases and illnesses, and disease-carrying mosquitoes will be infesting Texas and Louisiana for years to come. Katrina simply served as a mild warm-up act to what this is going to be.