Discussion: Pence: Obamacare Repeal Will Happen By End Of Summer

“You’d have to be a politician blinded by partisanship to believe otherwise. But, sadly, Congress is full of them.”

Yes, it is very sad indeed. I am depressed by the situation.

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“Obamacare has failed, and Obamacare must go,” Pence said. “You’d have to be a politician blinded by partisanship to believe otherwise. But, sadly, Congress is full of them.”

Does he listen to himself speak? He’s as venal and stupid as Trump is. Trump without the ‘graboid’. And the paint guy who’s mad coz he has employee provided insurance that went up under Obamacare??? So did almost everybody else’s, coz inflation. Hopelessly illogical thinking. I.e., dumb.


So sayeth Mike “I Am a Cadaver” Pence. Lunacy!!

No fix of ACA. No replacement for ACA. No Democratic input. No asking women. And to Mr. Steven Simons, no labor consultation either. Repeal of ACA is the only plan.

Amazingly there still appears to be some manufacturing taking place in Cleveland.

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In other words, they will decide how much $ they want to get and how many people they want to kill by the end of this summer.


The summer of 20-Never?

Just Mr #FakePresident*s lapdog .

–This week.
–In July, when we return from the 4th of July recess.
–The end of the July to give everyone more time to meet.
–The end of Summer.


Or we wait until November 2018 and let the whole damn country decide. After all, there’s no reason to lock the barn door now after you’ve let the horse out. But hey, your call.


Was he on loan from Madame Tussaud’s for that picture?

Why not city and small town sized solutions?
Why should people in small towns be bound to the same kind of care as cities.

Oh, I thought it was on Trump’s first day, then it was before July 4th, and now it’s “by the end of summer”? Sounds like somebody’s moving the goal posts?


Obamacare Repeal Will Happen By End Of Summer

That’s more fake news!..oh wait Pence said it…it’s still fake, but it’s ok if it came from Donald’s team…


A little more complex than they…or anyone…knew…

I’d like to see the documentation on how his coverage was reduced under ACA.


You and your insistence on documentation! What are you, some elite egghead?


As we approach the Fourth of July celebration of our Union, a mere 152 years after the end of the Civil War, the Party of Abraham Lincoln has adopted, as the magical panacea for all manner of complex problems, the incantation of States Rights. Let each State decide how to best implement national health insurance coverage. To paraphrase Chairman Mao, let a hundred magnolias blossom!


Not gonna happen.

“And after that we’ll vote on if women should be allowed to vote.”

One, please drag this out as long as you can. Make sure everyone knows you’re the party that doesn’t want health care for everyone.

Democrats, make sure everyone knows that you are the party of health care. Seriously. Do this and win.