Discussion: Pence Has To Tell Trump Supporter Not To Talk About Anti-Clinton 'Revolution' (VIDEO)

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Don’t be fooled by the reasonable guy act.


Man, the Trump campaign is fully stocked up with crazy!


Obviously a plant.

Not her, him.


You say you want a revolution? I’ll see your revolution and raise you a counterrevolution. I’m in good shape for my age and I’m an excellent shot. So be careful what you wish for. Oh, and if you want to dress in red that would be fine. Makes a better target.

HA HA HA just kidding except not really.


Trump and Pence don’t believe in democracy, our country’s founding principle.

“Yeah, don’t say that” isn’t a repudiation of the vile anti-democratic suggestion this dolt blurted out loud, it is an admonition to keep it under wraps so as to not have to discuss the undermining of our election process through the denial of civil acceptance of outcomes by the current Republican ticket.

There is no significant evidence of voter fraud anywhere in America even though Republicans have been trying to create it out of thin air for years as a reason to constrain the American right-to-vote to only the most under-educated and authoritarian cretins that our country is unfortunate enough to have. (Republicans).

That these craven POS candidates Trump and Pence aren’t trying to tamp down the traitorous musings of their sheeple, but are instead inflaming and abbetting it, means we have a serious un-democratic movement among us.

It is becoming clearer and clearer that “Lock her up” is an innocuation against the very real prospect that we may have to “Lock them up” (T&P) once they foment a ‘revolution’ after thier historic whuppin in November.

Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution authorizes the suppression (read elimination) of an insurrection of the very type they are talking about. They will legally and Constitutionally get a Hellfire up their ass if they persist. America needs to know that this prospect is possible.

edits: spellings


Pence continued: “So don’t worry your pretty little head, Dear. Rest assured, we are doing our best to prevent all those dark-skinned people from voting – er, I mean from voter fraud.”


NOTICE - Pence shook his head and waved his hand as he told the woman “Yeah, don’t say that.”

At NO TIME did he indicate that the results of elections must be honored
 he did not forcefully admonish her & say that such a thing must not happen - he only hushed her - told her not to speak these thoughts out loud.


I see Crazy McCain-Rally Lady has a new, gold-lamé Trump cap.

Nice to see Trump supporters so energized that they’re already conceding electoral defeat.

From the comments section of a piece in today’s WaPo:

“By the time the polls close next month, Donald Trump will have gotten a grand total of 6 votes. His three kids, Sarah Palin’s neighbor and two people from Frederick, Maryland. He will claim he won because two of the people that voted for him actually live near interstate 270. When someone clarifies that interstate 270 and 270 electoral college votes are not the same thing, he will sue Bill Clinton.”


“I’ve been on social media all day, every day since June, pushing Trump.”

I bet you have, you nutcase. Wow.


Investigating voter fraud? Or is that voter registration fraud. I love how they conflate that issue. Paging Hans Von Spakovsky and John Fund


Revolution? What are they going to do, loot Walmart? “No MuuMuus, no peace!”


Well, SOMEONE’S a RINO. I hope Trump grabs him by the pussy and straightens him out.


Even if sincere (about which I am not at all sure), the reasonableness here does begin to seem like an arsonist trying to combat the results of his efforts, using a squirt gun.


Tries to be reasonable,mthen feeds the voter fraud delusions


Pence missed his McCain-redemption moment when he could have said that revolution was not acceptable.


More “revolution” from The Walking Brain Dead"? Weren’t we supposed to have that one by now after Obama’s re-election? With the FEMA camps, martial law, and $6 gallon of gas? Oh, and the gun grab, let’s not forget his gun grab.

These people are
you just can’t save stupid. You can’t help them. Let them spend lots of money for their prepper fantasies and come out totally broke when that shit doesn’t happen.


So when Trump and Pence talk (and you know they do) about this “Anti-Clinton Revolution” - that they say people should not talk about 
 do you think they have worked out the details on how they fantasize that they will ask Putin to send in forces to support their “freedom fighters”?


Can the media start showing these biddies faces?

Stop giving these people anonymity


HRC is going to win by such a spread as to make any VF rather irrelevant —

Not that the basket people will understand that —