Discussion: Pence Finally Cancels Plans For State-Run News Site 'Just IN'

Discussion for article #232650

You mean he canceled the thing he didn’t know anything about? How’s that work? Was it like finding spare change in the sofa cushions?


It’s a miracle! He found out about it and cancelled it!!


This results in the press and the public having to visit multiple sources to stay informed about state activities.

Before they eliminated the 50 years of republican democracy insurance guaranteed by broadcast media regulations like the Fairness Doctrine and the Equal-Time Provisions, Republicans used to get all runny describing these future “multiple sources” as freedom, not the cause of confusion.


Wasn’t cost effective. Why start a new propaganda source when Faux provides the service for free.


He should have called it, Just Put A Little IN…yuk yuk yuk.

Even more ironic, is currently the media is consolidated into maybe a half a dozen companies nation wide, including companies like Fox and Clearcast (definitely with a right wing bent), and republicans, the ones who think that government can never compete with the wonderfulness of private industry want to setup a government run news site…to compete?

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Just in:

Pence is an idiot.


Thank you Comrade Pence!

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HOW noW AM I suPPosed TO GEt MY newS THAT HASn’t BEEN rUN tHrough THE libtard LAMEstreAM media fiLTER at FOX???

Remember he is the guy who went shopping on his trip to Iraq with McGrumpy and Miss Lindsey.



Doesn’t a story like this just make you wonder if this whole gambit was a ploy to create jobs for some political consultants that couldn’t make a living from their blog?


And I was so looking forward to Pravda-On-The-Wabash.

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Technically, Indianapolis is not on the Wabash, but is on the White River which flows to the Wabash…

But “Moonlight on the White” doesn’t have much of a ring to it, does it?

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If you read Pence’s take on this whole thing you’d think the guy is an Angel sent down to be the holiest of the holy that could do no wrong.
Of course, he’s just another lying scumbag that got caught and is playing dumb

Pence, typical, run of the mill, douche.