Discussion: Pence Can't Think Of Examples Justifying New Anti-Gay Religious Freedom Law

Pence next plans an unjustified effort to mandate pre-meal prayer in fast food restaurants and to limit birth control for space aliens.


Well, then, I feel it should be a law that unless a business has made it clear in its general advertising and proper signage that they reserve the right to turn away gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, all trans persons and those who are questioning their sexuality, those who eat shellfish, pork and ladies who are actively menstruating, that said business cannot legally do so. As a customer who votes with my dollars, I want to know up front who I can support … or not.


Nice leap over that shark, governor.


Does Indiana have many Southern Baptists? There’s a whole host of sinful fuckers they get to turn away.

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Discrimination is the new normal.

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In other words, it was just mean spirited plain old hate to satisfy the homophobes in your political party.

Governor Pence, you shall be known for ages as a bigoted governor just like George Wallace. You have written your legacy. In your old age you will probably apologize and deeply regret your hurtful actions, just like Wallace did, but it will not change anything about how you will be remembered.


Don’t need no reason, do you, Gov. Nobody? Pence is a pretty bright guy who knows he’s doing a bad, bad thing, but hating Teh Gay is required if he wants to keep his endorsement and his 6-figure perky job. Lots of soul-selling on lots of issues is going on all over TGOP Town. It’s Cruz’ mission to make sure things stay that way until Nov. 2016.

why is it that these absurd religious conscience laws only ever concern gays and vaginas? Is that all religion is about, being worried about what other people are doing with their private parts?


No real justification…why pass such a law then? (scratches head)

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as a liberal Hoosier, I am deeply embarrassed by the State Senator who introduced this heinous bill (I am in his district) & by the unctious, saccharine, supercillious governor who believed that by quitting the House seat & leadership role he had been elected to, he could run for gov & thence for President. Instead, now he is relegated to the rumble seat of the Rethuglican clown car. What a maroon. . . & embarrassment!!


If you are a republican it is.
They say they want less government intrusion in our lives but that’s BS and everyone knows it. They want to control your body. And your mind. Here in Arizona State Sen. Sylvia Allen (R-Snowflake) is proposing that AZ pass a bill “forcing people to attend the church of their choice on Sunday.” I’m not making this up. It’s not off the Onion either. So indeed republicans want to control your body and your beliefs. And not just control. They want to do it forcibly.


Pence’s justification is simple.

“Gay people are icky.”

That is the sum total of his intellectual ability on this—or any other—issue.

The law is blatantly unconstitutional, has no relationship to anything resembling fair, appropriate, or in the best interests of Indiana.

Pence gives real meaning to the term “overweening idiocy.”


Or appear to be gay


In other words, it was a solution in search of a problem.


So, given that rural Indiana is experiencing an HIV epidemic, perhaps this is to save the state money on medical interventions for the victims?


An outbreak of H.I.V. in a rural Indiana county…The 80 cases in Scott County, in the state’s southeast, were attributed to intravenous drug use…Scott County, which is about 30 miles north of Louisville, Ky., has about 24,000 residents, 19 percent of whom live below the poverty line…Pence said a county that size should expect about five cases of H.I.V. in a typical year.

Now you do a “short-term” needle exchange???
You’re a killer, MIke.


Nonsense. They’ll all be using their infallible Phelps Gaydar scanners, available for $198.99 at your local Hobby Lobby to identify the icky gays.


In other words:

“Would you people just get off my back and let me get my pension?”

Certainly puts the LIE to Republican’s claim for smaller government doesn’t it. What a piece of crap.


Already covered. They can always find a quote somewhere to justify their bigotry against anyone for any reason. This isn’t only about the gays, this is about anyone these so-called “religions” find objectionable.