Trump doesn’t have any policies per se. He does however appear to keep a journal of his bowel movements.
Pence’s comments about using military force differ from what Trump has said about how the U.S. should approach Syria,
Uh Oh!
Pence has done gone and violated a cardinal rule that defines vice presidential candidates.
Thou shall speak no original thoughts nor take any position in opposition to thy POTUS candidate
HO will have him out on the front lines digging the foundation for that wall thing.
Pence gives Trump that Reagan-esque head shake The Gipper reserved for real idiots…
I am sure Trump is heartbroken…
“If Russia chooses to be involved — and continue, I should say, to be involved — in this barbaric attack on civilians in Aleppo, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike military targets of the Assad regime to prevent them from this humanitarian crisis that is taking place in Aleppo,” Pence said during the debate
So now you have Iran and you have Russia in favor of Assad. We’re supposed to fight the two of them. At the same time, we’re supposed to fight ISIS, who is fighting Assad."
So he’s for backing the Shias in their general civil war with the Sunnis, okiedokie.
by the way, someone should remind the Trump campaign that Syria and Iran have always been religious allies. That the Russian government has chosen a side in this conflict is based on Moscow’s alliance with the Assads.
We should all hope he takes up running with scissors.
I’ll bet Donnie was so overcome with rage that Pence would dare to disrespect Vlad that he didn’t/won’t notice this. In fact, Pence might want to spring for a food and beverage tester - you never know when some polonium might accidentally end up in his coffee.
Trump: “Do I have a Syria policy ? Who knew ?”
I wonder if he knows the record for running with scissors is 9.16 seconds from the Living room to the maid’s quarters. I doubt it will ever be beaten.
Will all of Trump’s “best people” be as disloyal as Pence, Manafort, Corey, the GOP, many various women including several beauty queens and wannabes, all the Republican primary Candidates, the Tower Mailer, pretty sure Kellyann…
though we are aware of at least one of the deadly consequences, can the orange hobgoblin put those scissors in his left pants pocket (yes the one with the medium size hole in it) before he starts his race?
This idea of “safe zones” has been mentioned before, but to me it seems like nothing more than magical thinking.
Has anyone analyzed the type of military commitment and ongoing military presence that would be required to maintain a “safe zone”? This idea of a peaceful oasis in the middle of an unstable war zone seems fanciful.