Discussion: Pence Adopts Classic Trump Strategy: Deny, Deny, Deny...Your Running Mate's Statements?

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You just skimmed the cream off the top. I’ll be looking for more in the days to come.


“Donald Trump and I would never support legislation that punished women who made the heartbreaking choice to end a pregnancy. We just never would.”

Never mind that you signed one of the most onerous anti-abortion laws in the country, and an Indiana woman was recently sentenced to 20 years in prison for not reporting a miscarriage.


This is not so much a Trump strategy as it is straight out of the Cheney playbook. In fact, the “I/he never said that” gambit is more or less generic Republican.


Donny doesn’t mean anything he says, but he has secret plans that we cannot talk about. He doesn’t want to be jinxed. Go ahead. Whip out that Mexican thing.


As Yogi Berra would say: this debate was deja vu all over again because Pence used rhe Mitt Romney 1st Debate playbook of incessant mendacity and policy reversals which the gormless Cable Pundits called a clever “pivot” strategy. When later an interviewer asked Pres. Obama why he didn’t just use Romney’'s 47% Moochers Florida donors speech to refute some of this blatant dissembling, Obama replied that it would have taken up so much time that there would have been very little time remaining to discuss his own achievements and policies.

In the Pundits’ bubble, this debate must get heavily promoted to be a big win for the Republican ticket because they desperately need to ensure that Clinton’s polling lead doesn’t get any larger and thus be detrimental to their corporations’ profits from the next two debates.


Signing onto this train wreck means you are a part of it. It’s too late to try and disassociate yourself now. Sort of how Weld feels about Johnson, at this point.


When you can’t defend the indefensible… just lie.

That seems to be the Mike Pence way.

Too bad for him we have this thing called video and the internet.


Sergeant Schultz is alive and well and running on the Trump-Pence ticket. Pence hears nothing.


Donald not only said it, but said he said it, and said that everybody else said he said it.


Lord, Pence was spinning harder than a four year old after eating a slurpee with extra sugar.


Pence on the campaign trail: “I never said that he never said it.”


I’ve been seeing Republicans now saying that the next step is to see if Trump can learn from Pence’s debate performance, mature, composed, never taking the bait in his next debate with Clinton.

Lots of luck to the Trump adviser who gives him that advice - instead of acting like a spoiled, whining, teenager, Donald, try to act instead like the 70 year old man you are.

Who really believes the first time in the next debate that Clinton says he’s not as rich as he says he is, or that he doesn’t support the troops and vets - he won’t revert to the spoiled, immature brat that we’ve come to expect from him?


White Bread Dence. The epitome of a Hoosier…

He doesn’t seem to realize that there are new technologies that lets you record things with both audio and video, that you can retrieve and replay at a later date.

Dence must not have gotten the telegram yet.


I wonder if anyone will introduce Mike Pence to his running mate in the next month.


Did at any point Kaine mention that the Trump camp announced Pence as his running mate, then almost immediately tried to retract it?


The best con jobs hinge on convincing the mark that he’s an insider. Pence is the world’s biggest mark this morning.


When I catch up with the number of times Donald Trump has used it, then you can complain. If Trump recognizes he was wrong,then we can tallk.


OK, my own debate thoughts, unqualified as I am to analyze them (and as I see looking at the transcript missed an important exchange):

Longwood paid $5.5 million to upgrade their infrastructure and security. Pence blew that away in the first 5 minutes of the debate. Kaine should have corrected him on that, as the proud senator of the commonwealth.

Josh remarked that Kaine seemed prepared, but his talking points did get a little wearisome, right up until Pence stuffed the Mexican thing in his own mouth. Deliberate?

edit: Kaine overlooked Pence’s disparaging comment on the Clinton Foundation. Are they hoping that Hillary will be able to bait HOTOG into that trap? Kaine did a great job comparing the two foundations and exposing HOTOG as a “nonprofit” con man.

Pence’s body language - shifting in his seat like he had to pee - really signified to me his distress at having to take those punches on HOTOG’s behalf. I don’t have a very large screen TV, but there were times I could only see his shoulder.

Kaine did look boyish alongside Pence, but Pence also came across as being molded out of plastic.

final edit: What was up with the “war on coal”? They already have WV, PA, Southwest VA and OH coal country in their column, but the density of voting populations in other parts of those states kinda takes this issue off the table. Others’ thoughts?

To me, a partisan, Kaine did a good job setting Madame Secretary up to spike the ball in the Donald’s face. I believe she can do it.


@trnc “I wonder if anyone will introduce Mike Pence to his running mate in the next month.”

Drumpf: Yeah, yeah. Nice to meetchya, Mike. How’s things in Iowa?