Stop being nice and polite Nancy - your message should be that Trump is too big of a loser to stand up to Putin about election interference.
I could not agree more. In fact, I think Trump should threaten Putin with additional serious sanctions (eg. closing Russian Banks in the U.S., freezing assets, etc). But I seriously doubt that Trump has the cojones to do any of these things, much less to confront Putin over anything.
Trump is proving himself to be an absolute chicken-sh*t.
Hard to say that to the guy you owe 100s of millions to and who has you by the tiny ball sacks with barbed wire. (And pee pee tapes)
And got you elected…
This is the correct approach. Making demands one cannot enforce only makes you look weak. The appropriate angle is to show how Trump is weak: he’s afraid to stand up to Putin, owned by Putin, etc. Any narrative that describes exactly Trump’s impotence in the face of a national threat.
Bingo!!! That’s how it’s done.
If Trump tried he’d break into schoolboy giggles 3 words in. Putin was/is Trump’s partner in crime, criminal acts done w Trump campaigns cooperation and which redounded to Trump’s benefit. The rough definition of a criminal conspiracy.
I agree for the most part, but think they could add a little speculation/insinuation as to just why Trump might not want to stand up against Russian election interference.
“Trump needs to tell Putin the United States will not tolerate any further interference in U.S. campaigns.”
After Trump kicks the American press out of the room…
And Tass releases the photographs they were allowed to stay and take…
And the Kremlin leaks transcripts of the audio they surreptitiously recorded…
We’ll discover what Donald actually told Putin:
“Bob Mueller is crazy, a real nut job. Canning him will take great pressure off me."
And Republicans will applaud.
The Russian word for “thank you” is Спасибо, pronounced “spa-see-bo.”
On the other hand, the Russian phrase for “Thank you, sir, may I have another” may be more what he has in mind …
Nancy Pelosi represents my district, I think the world of her, but it would the height of foolishness to go negative on him. He ignores what’s happening in California, thinks we’re “out of control”, hasn’t visited though every other president has at this point in the presidency. There’s no point in going ballistic for an asshat whose path has been laid out by far rightwing nuts.
“So what? Who cares what he says?” Pelosi said on Thursday after MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell asked her for a reaction [to Newt’s criticism of Mueller].
There’s nothing small men hate more than being dismissed by a woman.
Sure… they could make a long list, and ask Trump which one is the real reason!
Pelosi: Trump Needs To Tell Putin US Won’t Tolerate Further Interference In Elections
LOL. Apparently Nancy didn’t get the word. America is now under new management. Meet Trump’s boss / banker:
The really crappy thing is that Nancy has to tell Dump to tell Vlad the Impaler to get out of our elections. According to reports, Donnie Boy isn’t concerned about it at all.
“spa-see-bo.” rhymes with placebo – which is roughly defined as a substance or treatment that has no real problem-solving effect, but is designed to placate the ill right-wing voter. See fake president for further information.
Trump’s message of course will be, “Welcome. Take what you want. Just license my branding.”
What’s wrong with that, conservatives?
Trump is going to have to buy a pair of balls first!
I don’t get this narrative that Putin will play Trump or take Trump to the cleaners. That assumes there’s a competitive or adversarial between Trump and Putin, which runs counter to so many of Trump’s pronouncements and his administration’s actions.
Shut up Nancy and just leave. And take Schumer with you. Time for some young progressives. Yes, I am being an age-ist.