Discussion: Pelosi To Boehner: Benghazi Panel Is 'Fundamentally Unfair'

Discussion for article #222601

The word “fairness” has no meaning for the GOP. It’s an alien concept.


What’s unfair, Pelosi, the use of the nuclear option in the Senate by dimwit Reid? You are absolutely right!!!

“Boehner, meanwhile, has also tried to appear as reasonable as possible”

look at these people – they are outrageously shrill and “already concretely committed to a strident position on what happened” There will be no "fact finding - they have already decided that their hair-brained opinions will be the "facts’


John Boehner still has no answer on the republican party fundraising off of Benghazi. We should not be surprised when it comes to the republican party. Is this what the republican party has now come to . Fundraising off the tragedy of American deaths. Imagine if democrats fundraised off of the 9/11 tragedy during the Bush presidency. It boggles the mind that republicans are rehashing a tragedy over and over and never ever stood behind the POTUS during this tragedy. Imagine if democrats blamed George W. Bush over 9/11 instead of standing with him as Americans.


“Pelosi To Boehner: Benghazi Panel Is Fundamentally Unfair.”

In a deal between a lady and a scoundrel it’s always the lady who loses.

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On most topics I would completely understand an attempt on your part to change the subject. But as this involves the preferred topic of the day for Republicans, I’m at a bit of a loss here.


What is up with that crest/logo?

Release transcripts of all hearings held about other deaths at US Embassies due to similar hostile actions since 1945… THEN we’ll talk, Boner.


If they don’t investigate other recent embassy attacks, then it’s safe to say this is nothing more than the Starr Commission Reunion Tour.


Sorry House Speaker Boehner (bōnər), but we Democrats do not like our cut of the fundraising cash (effectively 0%) – so we must decline our participation.

Sincerely, Once and future Speaker Pelosi

The Dems need to just proclaim in the loudest possible terms that in an election year the GOP is doing all it can to divert attention from Obamacare and other great success of the administration including unemployment, the falling deficit and security.

I mean after getting Syria to give up its chemical weapons without firing a shot and starring down Putin and freeing the Ukraine without shedding a single drop of American blood, what else can the GOP due but try to change the subject by exploiting the tragic death of 4 Americans in a nation that thanks to Obama is no longer controlled by Khadafy.

I mean compare Obama to the GOP and Bush who tried to ally with Khadafy, invaded a nation supposedly to get rid of WMDs it did not have and looked into Putin’s “eyes and down into his soul and saw a good man of peace”.

All Benghazi is for the GOP is a diversion from their failures and Obama’s success both domestic and foreign and the Dems need to scream it at every opportunity.

Dear Nancy,
You already know this, but Ugg cannot say enough, Ugg love you!!!
All Ugg love!!!

p.s. Ugg LOVE YOU!!!

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What are you talking about? You mean the gold colored eagle from the Great Seal of the United States at the top of the letterhead?

“Fundamentally useless.” There, Fragile Yorick’s Tibia.

Actually, other than dinging Hillary, what do they want to get out of these hearings? That SuperObama couldn’t carry every American to safety the minute the attacks started?

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Dear Graveled One, Nancy is my representative in the House, and I love her more than you do.

The Democrats cannot afford to boycott this pageant, and I believe wholeheartedly Henry Waxman should be the chair of the committee on the D side.

You have no one to blame for the change in rules, but the folks you keep voting for. If they were at all interested in governing Reid would not have pulled the trigger. But hey what do you care you probably still believe Republicans are the fiscally responsible party, that Bush did lie and we never tortured.

I hope when the Democrats are seated on the committee one of them will find an opportunity to cite this list even if it’s not related to the ongoing discussion. It’s pertinent and it’s horrifying.


"Pelosi To Boehner: Benghazi Panel Is 'Fundamentally Unfair "

So DON"T PARICIPATE, what’s so hard ?