No one in the mainstream media mentioned that OrangeAnus did not thank the Speaker for letting him speak in the House. It’s courtesy that he obviously lacks.
Trump is right about ridiculous partisan investigations. Fortunately, the Democrats in the House will only be convening serious investigations, so nothing to worry about.
This statement by Nancy Pelosi is as much or more important than “No Wall”
Claire McCaskill was observing last night that Trump was serving notice that “The Investigation Stops or Legislative Processes as We Know it Will Stop”
One would think that Trump would welcome the vindication the investigations will produce for him.
She is brilliant. She is bringing his ugly proposal forward so that people who don’t realize what a despicable threat it was will realize it now.
And those who don’t, well. They’re lost in darkness and should fade from sight.
ETA: @billyjoe I do believe the president has taken to men’s shapewear. The silhouette in that photo doesn’t come naturally to a tub of lard. Oh he still looks like a refrigerator with a head. But a firm refrigerator. Those flop over love handles have been stuffed into some heavy duty elastane.
Trump completely lacks courtesy, unless it suits his needs.
donnie will never understand why the weather vane just
keeps swinging round to point into the wind —
Mouthing the words insincerely would only befoul them. I’m glad dotard abrogated this particular tradition. The next decent president can re-institute it.
Pelosi to Trump: “You think you can pull a knife on me in MY House, bitch?!”
Great Post. Your post adds additional focus. Because of all the Habermans, Cillizas and Todds running around that is an issue.
The JOB of the aforementioned stenographers is to make it seem as though Trump’s threat is not as serious as it IS.
I hope Pelosi is playing a long game here and uses Trump’s threats as the reason to deny him using the House to give a State of the Union address in 2020.
If Trump is still president by Jan 2020, the country may be beyond repair.
Typical Trump bluster and gangster/con intimidation needs to be called out. We’re not going to let you run your protection racket from the floor of the House, 2 Scoops.
If Trump can’t threaten, what can he do?
That photo does look like he’s wearing something that makes him uncomfortable.
The woman in white will not be deterred. And not only is her necklace a gorgeous piece of jewelry, the pin she’s wearing is a representation of the Mace of the Republic, or the Mace of the US House of Representatives, which is about 4-feet long. Most definitely Lady Boss accessories.
"It was a threat; it was an all-out threat. It’s our congressional responsibility, and if we didn’t do it, we would be delinquent in that,” she said.
Pelosi once again making it clear that she has had enough
Like Benghazi…