Discussion: Pelosi Scrambles To Put Out Fires As Her Infuriated Members Call For Impeachment

@daveyjones64 Thanks for taking the time to respond at length.

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You’re most welcome. Calling rubbish rubbish is part of what we do here.

YOU think it’s rubbish. Doesn’t mean it is.

If it’s not, you can explain why. Unlike you, I’ve explained exactly why it’s rubbish. You chose a dismissive reply suggesting you didn’t care – which, of course, is belied by the effort you’re putting in now. But if you’re just going to stick with neener, neener then your replies will receive all the respect they deserve.

Had read it. Didn’t, and still don’t see anything about happy. Do see humor there though, as she reminds them that activity is on going.

Guess it’s a real different interpretation.

oh i get it. You think that being chair of the oversight committee is a burden that Cummings would be thrilled to hand off to someone else. And that he’d really rather be in his living room, watching Real Housewives of Atlanta, than investigating Donald Trump.

That would explain your confusion…

Sorry that my meaning didn’t come through to you. No – that’s not what I think. I’ll try one last time.

Why pull the plug on all the other committees already investigating. Let them finish – that’s a closer interpretation to what she is saying. AS I understand you think that she wants everyone to be happy. So rather than getting to the bottom of it, she doesn’t want the plug pulled because he’d be unhappy – or that’s how I understand your interpretation of her statement.

Repeating…we both got really different interpretations from that statement.

more proof that pelosi the rat works for her rich owners and not the american people.
ASK yourself one question…“would repiglicons be impeaching a democrat if the shoe were on the other foot?”

now…i realize right wing alt nationalistic white americans SUPPORT PELOSI…but it is time REAL AMERICANS say ENOUGH!!!..you dont have the courage to enforce THE CONSTITUTION…and you want to give the criminal in the oval office POLITICAL WINS…by passing deals on infrastructure and the budget!!!..that favor the wealthy…and will allow the american voter to reelect the criminal because “see,he can get things done with the democrats!”

what a freakin loser the rat pelosi is…and can we EVER get a picture of chuckles!..when he isnt LOOKING AT THE FLOOR!..for christ sakes!!

what part of OBSTRUCTION…do you not understand?

what part of the CONSTITUTION…do you not accept?

kinda shocking to see the tips of progressive argument making it through right wing TPM.

lol…you DO REALIZE that it requires 2/3rds IN the senate to vote for articles//I HOPE.

you can’t make this stuff up…

We’ll have to agree to disagree.

My interpretation is based on Pelosi’s role, a key one of which is to to act as referee/mediator in turf battles. These “investigations” have barely started – and aren’t going to finish anytime soon.

Moreover, nothing would prevent the committees’ from continuing their “legislative” work that is supposed the basis for the subpoenas – they could still get the documents, and still examine them for systemic flaws that may be amenable to legislative solutions.

Pelosi understands all of this. She also understands that there are few, if any, congresscritters who will “happily” give up turf that elevates their prestige and visibility once they’ve grabbed it, and this is especially true of old warhorses like Cummings and Nadler and Waters who have been in congress for decades, paid their dues, and see their power as a divine right of seniority.

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