If there was a God, Ryan would end up a penniless pauper.
I wonder if there’s a passage in Atlas Shrugged about stabbing a chaplain in the back if he criticizes your precious tax cuts. Tax cuts you only passed by backing a despicable monster every step of the way.
Like Rachel said last night …In a normal world this would be a major scandal playing out for a week …
These days a footnote and on to the next Trump/ Maladministration outrage/scandal.
Take note and move on
Question of the day from twitter
Who fires a House Chaplin and not Kevin Nunes?
This is exactly what happened. rAyn, a Catholic, doesn’t like the notion of a Catholic priest being concerned for the welfare of people because rAyn himself would rather see more “losers” and no “winners” with costs being borne by the poor and not the rich.
Didn’t Ryan already get chastised by the US Catholic Bishops for his position with respect to the poor? Would be nice if the Pope chimed in - excommunication anyone?
Pelosi can be defined by her Roman Catholicism but with an approach very different from the punitive stance another Catholic rAyn is happy to take. It’s why she was an effective proponent of ACA because it would offer more coverage for women and children and did with away “pre-existing conditions” which often included pregnancy. If and when she gets to be Speaker again, we’ll see a far more human approach to caring for people.
There was a group of nuns, Nuns On The Bus, I think they were called, who were on him regularly because of his inability to apply the lessons he learned as Catholic to governing.
My congressman Joe Crowley has been livid about this. He had two uncles who were priests and has been an advocate for the families of the priests and nuns who were killed by the US backed death squads in El Salvador. He was also involved in having one of the generals who was responsible and living here in upstate NY deported back to El Salvador a few years ago.
Who’s Ryan going to replace the padre with? Falwel Jr.? Bob Jones?, Creflo Dollar?, Rev. Ike?
Social Justice was once a big, big thing for the Catholic Church, especially in Latin America. That movement had to be squelched doncha know?
I took a quick look at Crowley’s bio, I grew up near his district as we’ve talked about, and he reminds me of people I knew. Take heart in the prospect of a Democratic Speaker next year and a return to humanity.
Joel Osteen is my guess.
The chaplain said this and it inflamed the Rs. It was a rebuke to their meanness.
“May all Members be mindful that the institutions and structures of our great Nation guarantee the opportunities that have allowed some to achieve great success, while others continue to struggle.” And then he immediately segued to a plea for fairness: “May their efforts these days guarantee that there are not winners and losers under new tax laws, but benefits balanced and shared by all Americans.”
God help us all if this high priest of monetized Christianity and “prosperity theology” (meaning HIS prosperity first) finds any place in government.
I’ve been reading some of Conroy’s invocations during the Trump era and he’s frequently been topical. Which, in Ryanspeak, would be political.
So why now?? Who’s he doing this for??
Remember when they flipped out when Obama was invited to speak at Notre Dame? They really would rather worship their dog eared copy of Atlas Shrugged than pass meaningful legislation.
Trump is insane.
Ryan announced he’s not running for reelection, for no good reason, and fires God’s messenger in the House for no good reason.
Ryan has ‘Insanity Proximity Syndrome’ and is now like those crazy exploding ants.
It wasn’t ‘politically motivated’ but you just decided to fire a guy that had been there since 2011? In the REAL workplace your ass would be grass if you couldn’t PROVE and DOCUMENT something Paul…it might be rough for you out in the real world come November…
Paul Ryan is a “prosperity Gospel” kind of guy, known in some circles as being a hypocrite. I would just call him a phony prick.
Yes indeed,
he walked himself right off the edge of our flat earth with that prayer as far as republicans go.