Discussion for article #231033
“An aide familiar with the discussions . . .”
If you won’t even tell us whether it’s a Republican or a Democratic aide, we know dick about whether we should give the paraphrase of something an anonymous aide said any credence.
What you do is use the phrase 'The government is not for sale." Then you vote against it. ALL of you.
Don’t vote for IT! Whip the entire Dem caucus together, and don’t give Boehner the votes he needs to carry the bill. King and the rest of the whack-a-doodle caucus won’t vote for it, because it doesn’t go far enough (is there ever far enough for them?) in punishing the President for “amnesty”. HANG BOEHNER OUT TO DRY…
That’s about right.
And in exchange, Republicans agreed to extend unemployment benefits by ninety days.
When all you have are Mega-Donors, you MUST do all you can to up their totals.
The Republican party is beholden to just 5 people: Kochs (dark money), Bloomberg, Adelson, Singer, Mercer, Eychaner.
The Dems are not much better.
Weep for our Republic. It is over.
Precisely. I guarantee the majority of the public will see it as the GOP/Teatrolls shutting down the gov’t because they insist that thee wealthy should be able to bribe the everloving fuck out of our politicians.
Why worry about individual donation limits anyway? All anyone need do is form their own corporation and any donation limits do not apply courtesy of the Citizens United decision.
One can also form their own PAC if they so choose just as Stephen Colbert did as somewhat of a joke to point out exactly the absurdity of the campaign finance laws.
When there are only rich folk left in America who will do the menial stuff?
This is another “Will the Dems grow a pair?” moment.
Don’t get your fucking hopes up.
This just highlights how corrupt both parties are and it’s our fault for electing these thieving corrupt POS politicians year after year. You republicans have been gloating over taking over the Senate, well wait till your congressmen go after your pension and your retirement, oh wait? They all ready are! Also contained in this bill is a provision to allow pensions to be cut and a separate bill called the ABLE Act that looks to be a 180 shift by Republican’s by helping parents with disabled kids actually is funded by a cut to Social Security Disability and it turns out that it helps many Republicans Congressional members who have special needs children like McMorris Rodgers and Jeff Sessions.
GODD JOB REPUBLICANS YOU VOTED TO SCREW US AND YOURSELVES AGAIN!! When are you going to get real about what is going on in the halls of congress?
It doesn’t surprise me that Dimbulb Debbie would do this.