Discussion: Pelosi: Dems May Withhold Votes On Spending Bills To Get DACA Agreement

Politifact disagrees with that, however here’s candidate Trump giving his thoughts about the '06 fence.

Trump criticized the 2006 fence as too modest during the 2016 campaign.

“Now we got lucky because it was such a little wall, it was such a nothing wall, no, they couldn’t get their environmental – probably a snake was in the way or a toad,” Trump said.

and here’s Politifact’s verdict

(Actually, the project didn’t face environmental hurdles; we rated that part of the claim Mostly False.)


Orange Pustule Hitler tweets what?
Pustule tweets what?

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Tweet, translated: “We can’t pass jack shit but it’s NOT my fault!”


The problem with agreeing to a policy on immigration is that the Democrats don’t want secure borders,they don’t care about safety for U.S.A.

What a piece of shit Trump is for tweeting this slander.


“the Democrats don’t want secure borders,they don’t care about safety for U.S.A.”

Festung Amerika.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.*
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”


*Offer not available in all areas. Some restrictions apply.


Sadly. unless we get people like Corker, who have no political future, to join in the boycott for votes, these things will go through with or without the Dems. It’s what happens when a party is in the minority.

And then you have Pence as a tiebreaker, in the event it is too close to call.

But good on Nancy for making the try.


My hat is off to Pelosi. And to everyone else for persevering in tough times. Almost every day since the Russians and white racist So-called Christians elected Donal Trump, I’ve seen clear evidence that American exceptionalism is a bogus myth. My faith in humanity is sinking to new lows with every poll that indicates there are still people who support Trump.


Yet the far-left Purity Brigade wants to get rid of her—the most successful Speaker and minority leader since Tip O’Neill.


Pelosi: Dems May Withhold Votes …

Does Ryan need any House Dem votes?

Effen Moron should go back to his teevee and golf, and shut up. His job is to sign on the dotard line.


Well, that’s what Romney’s niece said, the other day.

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Well, Ronna’s always on her high horse. Turning, er, doing tricks.
Runs in the family.


What she is proposing is the way you actually get things done in Washington. It is called politics. Lets see if Trump and his Republicans care.


Remember the Freedumb Caucus. On spending bills he probably does.


It looks as if the tea party and alt right have decided that this is their moment. With Bannon promising to primary any GOP that doesn’t capitulate to their demands, the more moderate GOP have little choice but to give in or to work with the dems to pass legislation. With Pelosi standing firm on DACA, she is boxing in the more moderate and less extreme congress critters.


One more reason why she should not be replaced.


But she should be mentoring the next generation on how to do this. She won’t be there forever. We need the seamless transition to confront these doofuses.

Who says she isn’t?

Except of course for the Unicorn Mounted Purity Brigade.


Good for you Madam-In-Line-To-be-Speaker again. Flex those constituent and legislative muscles. Get them limbered up for the fight ahead. The people supporting tRump and his silent sycophancy in the House among the GOP are becoming ever smaller by the day. The only way they know they can win any legislative fight anymore is if they change well-established rules or cheat outright. To hell with all that. We stand with the most vulnerable people in this country against the GOP’s sick agenda, not some faux populace movement led by a racist that runs a two-bit website, a rich billionaire hedge funder that fantasizes about the collapse of all normalized world order since WW2, and that idiot Barnum and Bailey act in the White House. Expose these pukes for who they are. Force them to vote for their evil shit and then lets see how they fare. They need Democratic votes to get most things over the finish line anyway. As it stands today, they’ve got zero to show for all their bluster. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

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