How polite.
“an avid advocate for his point of view” Wrong as it always was.
“steadfast commitment to our country” At least he doesn’t seem to have been working for the Russians. Which is something you can’t say for all Republicans.
…where the Good Lord splitcha, Pauly!
That was a backhanded compliment if I ever read one.
Nancy is fawning for Republicans again.
Steadfast commitment to his own advancement, ya mean?
Ever the diplomat. Thank you, Congresswoman Pelosi. I look forward to you taking back that gavel.
“steadfast commitment to our country”
She misspelled “treason against”
I may have missed some but according to my database:
19 GOP Cocksuckers are running aw–I mean, retiring
5 have out and out quit.
9 are running for the Canadian bo–another office
6 Democrats are retiring
NONE have quit.
8 are running for another office
Jeez, what will the Republicans do without their serious economic policy wonk?
They’ll look to Inhofe of Oklahoma. He’s more their uncaring ideological match, anyway. Remember when he landed his plane at a closed airport while people were working on a runway?
Was she making a jerking off motion as she said it?
Otherwise, I think maybe just going with “We look forward to his replacement by the Progressive Democrat that Wisconsin, an the nation, deserve” would have been a bit better.
This is a prime opportunity to call out the damage that Ryan and the Republicans have done to the country, and this tripe is all that we get from the House Minority Leader.
“Steadfast commitment to our country.” Really, Nancy? Records deficits, wars, stolen elections, white nationalism?
This is why YOU should resign.
Rep. Pelosi, i have no choice but to trust that you know what you’re doing, but i have a hard time accepting that now is the time to play nice with Republican leadership when the future of our country is at stake.
Are you young or something? There are many ways to play this game and just because she is being mature and diplomatic for public consumption doesn’t mean she isn’t sticking him with the metaphorical knife.
This stuff comes with experience and I wish the younger Dems and purity ponies would understand that, they’ll find it useful when their time comes.
late: Knee jerk reactions never win the day. Pay attention.
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I would have lost it if Pelosi had been picked up on a hot mic saying, “So what plans do you have after prison?” and then giving the most phony laugh in the universe.
I like Nancy Pelosi, but all these Ryan retirement hagiographies are nauseating. Guy’s an asshole. Always was, always will be. Fuck him from here to Alpha Centauri.
I know she has to be nice, but still.