Discussion: Pelosi: Boehner’s Resignation Is ‘More Than A Distraction’ From Potential Gov't Shutdown

Discussion for article #241031

Pelosi said Boehner’s resignation shouldn’t be a distraction from the need to pass government funding bill by Sept. 30.

Today is September 25th, 2015. Five more days…

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Ya know, The tea-publicans hated Boehner, and they enjoyed their hatred.
They hate Pelosi even more. Maybe they should vote her in again.


She doesn’t say it, but someone needs to let the conservatives in on a little something: Boehner’s resignation changes the current dynamic in the House not at all–if anything, it may actually strengthen the Democrats’ bargaining position, if the goal is to pass legislation that will also pass the Senate AND be signed into law.

I said it elsewhere this morning, but it bears repeating: To quote Karl Rove out of context, the conservatives haven’t done THE math.


You know, I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet, but it occurs to me to wonder how much damage the Teatrolls can actually do to their ability to hold onto the House majority over the next 13+ months.


This is called “chumming the waters.”


So in the vote for a new speaker could it be possible someone other than a republican could become speaker with a very divided republican majority?


Wow, maybe we could commission Pope Frank to work a few more miracles in congress.

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Was that the only photo you could find of the minority leader of the House of Representatives?

Quite a lot. For Democrats’ chances of retaking the House and Senate, this is probably going to greatly improve them. However, I’m rather worried that the way they will do that is by causing severe damage to the country by refusing to lift the debt ceiling and/or leaving the government shut down for an extended period of time.


Surely, however, we all remember Boner’s propensity to go flaccid after making big promises.

I’m pretty sure that’s not the goal. Their goal is to win the next election. Governing isn’t even on the table.


Well, what it does do is effectively kill of the so called Hastert Rule. Whoever the new speaker is, is going to have to come to the reality that to hold on to his job and get anything done…he is going to have to rely on Pelosi.

The Hastert rule was devised when the GOP was a unified party. Now its a completely splintered party. A new speaker will have to be adept at working BOTH sides of the aisle. Otherwise they will be forced into the same untenable, career killing, position that Boehner faced.


Wait until the S.S. checks stop coming and see who the Tea-Baggers blame for it after the Gov. Shuts down. All you will hear on FOX and AM Reich-Wing Radio will be: “Obama’s/Democrat’s/Hillary’s Fault” all day, all the time (though how they weave Hillary into this will be “interesting” since she is not part of the Gov. any more.)
The only person who gets anything good out of this will be Ted Cruz who will bask in the evangelical glow of “Shutting down the EVIL US Government” (curiously, he is PART of that Government, but don’t let LOGIC get in the way of a good Theocratic rant.)

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Boehner will probably pass both an extended CR and raise the debt ceiling before he leaves at the end of next month. If he is taking one for the party, which he obviously is, it only makes sense to go all the way. Neither of those fights help them on the campaign trails.

I actually doubt this will make much impact on republicans retaining the House, and even less impact on the Senate races next fall. (we are talking about races that are over a year out, the public forgets quickly, especially things that don’t happen. “Hey, remember when they almost shutdown the government?” “No…”).


“this is not the morning we thought it would be.”

LOL!! I love that statement from her!!

Making it perfectly clear, she knew he was toast, it was only a matter of timing.

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I’m in the same club as you Madame Speaker I heard it on the car radio and just caught the last part of congressman resigning ,I thought they said Boehners name but my mind said naw I didn’t just hear what I thought I heard.


Wow I hope so. I imagined that we’d get a rabid tea-partier in there

This would be nice, and I think it would empower the “governing caucus” of the larger Republican caucus, but Boehner also abandoned the Hastert rule when it was necessary to (barely) avoid a constitutional crisis or financial catastrophe. Boehner’s fatal mistake - which he made at the very beginning of his Speakership - was his belief that he could appease the right wing crazies of the House Republican caucus. The truth is that the crazies can never be appeased, and every time he tried to do so, they just demanded more. If he had decided at the beginning to empower the “governing caucus,” he could have put together coalitions with the democrats and have gotten legislation passed. He would have also sent a signal to the crazies that either they play ball or they get basement broom closets as their offices, with Metro cards rather than parking spots.


None seem willing to step up to the plate, and even if they did, I don’t really see anyone that could muster up enough votes to win it outright.

Bear in mind, the TP has nothing positive to offer. They don’t have any big corporate backers to offer sweetheart deals. Their funding arm is very weak, and has been on the verge of collapse since 2013. They aren’t in a position to offer up any cushy Committee chairs. The only thing they have is negative reinforcement…vote for our guy or we will say mean things about you in your district.

Scary…until you realize they don’t the money to back it up.