I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but I was surprised at just how many media outlets accepted Barr’s summary as simple fact.
The Relentless Nancy Pelosi.
I’ve been critical of Nancy this month, but she now smells blood on the Mueller Report and her messaging is effectively marginalizing Barr and diminishing the political value to the GOP of keeping that report under lock and key. The attack on the ACA is a political gift to the Dems and we’re going to hammer every single GOPer for it just as we did in 2018.
I was annoyed that they didn’t even bother reading the memo and actually digesting its contents and the implications of what was stated.
On the “no collusion”, for example, Barr dropped massive hints, that the media basically ignored:
“knowingly cooperated”-- knowingly. Clearly, therefore, people cooperated with the russkies without enough evidence that they knew who they were dealing with. But the cooperation is there.
“cooperated”-- had a massive footnote that things only were considered to be “cooperation” if it met a very narrow legal definition. Basically, unless you signed a contract with the russian government, his summary finding did not find that the person “cooperated”.
Barr’s summary actually was a bit more expansive than it could have been, which is a good thing. The media, though, are largely a bunch of fucking nitwits and idiots.
Some people were a bit alarmed last week when Pelosi put impeachment on the back-burner, only to see her hunch pan out. Now she’s back on the attack demanding the release of the Mueller report and putting Trump/Barr on the defensive. On this issue as well as healthcare, she has the American people on her side. Hmm…almost like she has a strategy or something.
Still no subpoenas. Still no demand for tax returns. Just sternly written letters.
Pelosi is slow-walking every investigation.
Subpoena power means nothing if it isn’t used.
“Not Worth It” (2019) is the remake of “Off The Table” (2006), both starring Nancy Pelosi.
Impeachment Now!
I almost wish she had said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’ll be able to find the Mueller report that’s missing.” Jokingly, of course.
Yes our faith needs to be with ourselves, Nancy Pelosi, elected Dems.
I see Josh putting faith in “when we finally see” the Mueller Report. I even see Nancy still talking about it. I see folks on these threads still holding out for “when we see it”.
I would advise everyone to forget it completely and get into other lanes of attack.
We all held our bladder for 2 years on this. Don’t count on Mueller or The Report. Stop it. We cannot waste any more time. We cannot keep pushing the deadline back, vaguely and indefinitely for “when”. We got a cold, hard slap in the face now WAKE UP. If The Report comes back and does us some service, great…but we cannot have “until The Report” be part of any more of our sentences or messaging. Consider it the huge sink of hope and goodwill and “the good guys” that it obviously was…and get to prosecuting The Chump and Republikkklans in the court of public opinion and media with every word from a Dems mouth. If Chump and Rs are trying to word-salad their way out of the UNLIMITED amount of malfeasance we can put in front of the cameras and on Campaign Trails, they won’t have any oxygen for anything else. Waiting with baited breath for The Report or for some flaming sword of Justice is only causing us all to turn blue. We need to turn the Reds party, the commie pinkos, the Russian Lovers, the Putin Party black/blue/and purple. Forget Mueller. We got a lot of lost ground and time to recover.
We can Mueller it out and Rock the House in other areas. Methinks the whole process (Congress, LEOs, OSC-based actions) will come together. We’ll be OK.
Well it’s a new flailing he put on display last night with Hannity: Distracted by rage and revenge - almost addled by the degree of rage. Given his capacity to nurse vindictive grudges for years - I am guessing that now emboldened he will start making more threats and attempt to act on them very publicly. It isn’t going to go well for either him, or us as a country.
Arrogance…oh please, I’m sure that has Barr shaking in his boots.
Pelosi and Schumer are shrinking violets and as weak an oppnent to Republican rule as ever.
If Barr was House Speaker he’d call it out loud…Barr is orchestrating a white wash cover up just as he designed the cover up for Reagan’s Iran-Contra affair. Barr has blod on his hands from Iran-Contra…he’s a ruthless Republican operative.
Pelosi is weak…time for the Dems to make Adam Schiff the Speaker…Schiff at least shows up to the gun fight with Republicans with a loaded gun and not a water pistol.
Yup, and all the state activity. The Mueller report (which will be seen), Schiff and the other committee chairs, subpoenas and testimony, our key issues, Republican weaknesses - Speaker Pelosi is keeping track of all the puzzle pieces. Not all the Republicans are to stupid to be afraid.
They made news as part of the $$$$$$$$ sector of programming
Ronnie and the Fairness Doctrine
The Influence of FOX
However, an unsaid cause is the lack of DEMAND for good news as opposed to “reality-show”-based clickbait. This is a capitalistic society. If the population votes with the stupid percentages that we have, it’s a foregone conclusion that the demand for “news” they possess is about as stupid.
The only time I would rest my eyes on a stenographer like Chuck Todd is if Rachel says, “Over to Chuck”.
That’s why we’re lucky to have her. She’s able to juggle all the pieces and provide the top-cover to let loose the hounds of AOC, Nadler, Cummings, Schiff and the rest…
So is this Dachshund/terrier/Lhasa Apso/“other” mutt!
Wo-Man…BADD!!! Me want MANNNNN!!!
I need another Tee to go with my “Notorious RBG” shirt.
Another right winger
Republicans are not even human fucking beings anymore. I really don’t care what those lying, racist, hypocritical, treasonous pigs think. I know they don’t deserve to call themselves Americans and I want the very worst for all of them.
Go the hell after these pigs. They need to pay.
Do you all know Supreme Court Dog Oral Arguments on UTube? I guess it’s not new, but it was new to me. Wait for the RBG dog …