Discussion: Peak Drudge: 'OBAMA BOWS TO JAPANESE ROBOT'

Discussion for article #221942

Why does anybody pay attention to Drudge any more? He jumped the shark back when he was pushing birtherism. This is just Drudge nuking the fridge now.

That’s just it, he’s a source of eye-rolling, head-shaking amusement. I’ll take all the chuckles I can get.

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I can’t believe he went Full Drudge. You never want to go Full Drudge.


Good lord but Drudge is a fucking idiot.


I’d pick on Drudge but these days it has the feel of kicking a disabled kid.

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Drudge now has all the credibility of Weekly World News.

What next? Obama hires batboy as Ukraine ambassador?

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Bush did so many actual stupid things that Drudge would have to run a story like this per day for Obama to have any hopes of catching up.


I take it the robot wasn’t programmed to give a fist bump. It is Japan after all. Sheesh.

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A strong President would’ve vomited on the robot.


Drudge bows every time he sticks his head up his ass.


I can’t tell you why anyone pays attention to Drudge any more, but I can tell you that people do. Unfortunately there are still quite a few out there who think it’s a news website.

The half-drunk simpletons that read Drudge believe it, too.


Giving the Drudge report any coverage is a mistake. Only the nutbags care about what the other nutbags say.

Right, and a repube would have tried to bomb them.

No way does this demean the Presidency. However, kissing Kochs, as Matt Drudge undoubtedly prefers, would.

Remember the last story on Drudge? Just before the lights went out? Beej spamming the Constitution over and over?

Yeah…good times. :sunny:

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Congrats on your memory, because I don’t remember it was about Drudge. I just remember my appalled awe at the biblical degree of derpitude and buttheadery we were dealing with.

Was he equally outraged when George DUHbya waltzed off into the romantic sunset holding hands with the Saudi Prince?

Ha! That covers it alright–there were other attacks of course, but the story on Drudge lying about his taxes was the first I saw comments shut down entirely. Hopefully that’s a thing of the past now…