Discussion: Paul Ryan Won't Run For President In 2016

Discussion for article #231959

Meh. He’ll run in 2032 or something. We’re not done with Plutocrat Pauly, the budget herpe.


He’s not running for President in 2016 because he previously ran for VP in 2016? TPM should fire spell-check.


He’s hoping a Teabagger can win the WH…and then he, that Lyin’ Paul Ryan, can write the doom of America himself in all kinds of Randian bullshit legislation.


When it comes to doing something other than saying ‘no,’ the trembling begins.


I guess they all voted against him for driving the clown car… Worry not they will have plenty to choose from to drive the clown car

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Paul’s daily lies will be missed on the campaign trail.

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Strangely, his chances of winning are unchanged.


Evidence that Ryan is less delusional than his top of the ticket running mate. Unclear on how wide that gap is however. More data necessary.


he is such a lightweight. hopelessly unqualified for his current position. clearly a gop presidential contender. what happened? oh yeah, mitt’s back at it.


Well, yeh. He and Mittens couldn’t even carry Ryan’s home state, not even his congressional district!

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And this is newsworthy because?

As if there were any doubt. The VP nomination on a losing ticket is a political graveyard now.

Guess he is hoping to keep his job beyond 2016. That is if the BS keeps sticking to the walls around him. Running for the top job would certainly end his golden globe career and finally get him off the taxpayer give free money to useless people program.

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awwww… and I was so looking forward to…BARF!!!

excuse me…

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Translation: “I’ll let some other uneducated schmuck from Wisconsin run and lose and then I’ll see if the recovery has ended by 2020.”

My guess is that the big donors have already narrowed the field. The GOP doesn’t want a repeat of 2012; they want to wrap it up quickly and rally behind the candidate.

He’s too busy solving poverty, masturbating to pics of Ayn Rand, doing economic stuff and P90X.