Discussion: Paul Ryan Repeatedly Declines To Detail GOP Plan For O-care Subsidies (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #237436

Dog, I wish we could come up with a Plan B that would abort these Republicans. That, I am certain, would be covered under ObamaCare!


The GOP’s plan for everything is always exactly the same. Shred the social safety net, and give huge tax breaks to corporation’s and the one percent.

It’s the only known cure for everything from herpes to male pattern baldness


There is now a name for that: a “full Kansas.” Cut taxes, blow hole in budget, cut school spending, then raise taxes on middle class with a consumption tax."


Their plan is they have no plan.


I keep asking this question… how did Paul Ryan become the budget and numbers guy? is it because when he adds 1+1 and gets 3 its closer than all the other math challenged Republicans?

one more thing… when did Chris Wallace grow enough spine to actually ask these clown the hard questions and then press them with follow ups when they try to evade an answer? is he angling for Chuck Todd’s job on Meet the Press?


Um, THEy’re GOINg to ROll it OUT if THEY need TO do so. RIght NOw theY don’t. So WHY divULGE a PlaN that MAY or MAY not BE needEd? SImple LOgic, LIbtard


Intellectually lazy.



I need to know before I comment: Is “dickhead” one word (dickhead) or two words (dick head)?


Roughly a decade ago I told someone that the GOP wanted to turn the United States into a Third World Nation because of the rising influence of Labor in South America and India and government controls in China. Add to that, the instability in large swaths of Africa, Russia and the former Russian states was making corporations unwilling to move into those areas, they needed a new source of cheep labor, so they were targeting the United States and building on the work of Reagan and G.H.W. Bush.

The problem is that they are destroying one of their most lucrative markets and risking huge instability not to mention the economic model that they have- the 19th Century- is unsustainable.


I thought it was called a “Full Brownback” to give credit to the doofus who came up with the concept.

I think that is when you bend over in front of a mirror so you can see who is giving it to you.

His father’s ghost appeared and informed him that Chris was making a laughingstock of the family reputation.

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The “Full Brownback” is the same as a “Full Kansas” except that there’s no lube in the former.


It is disturbing that this zero-integrity, pathological liar ends up being given the opportunity to be interviewed as though he were a ‘serious statesman’ simply because the 20 or so GOP candidate clowns grabbing most of the publicity are so incoherent & entirely incapable of engaging in substantive dialog.


CW is just play acting & doing only enough so that it does not look like he had a make-out session with Ryan.

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Uh, Wallace was tougher on Ryan than Todd ever was. No fan of Wallace but kudos to him on how he handled this interview. I also wonder how the Pubs consider Ryan a “numbers man”. In what universe can this dolt be considered anything but loony!


Certainly a better name to those who got dumped on.

Alan Grayson answered that question long ago:


What’s with Faux hosts suddenly challenging Republicans? Is it a matter of ensuring a certain candidate, or are the powers that be weary of the obvious stupidity, too?

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