Discussion: Paul Ryan On Trump's 2016 Message: It's 'Not Within Our Control'

“The Republican primary voters are going to make this decision. This is not our decision to make," Ryan said. “I am the speaker so I am going to keep doing what I said I was going to do, which is when I see principles being distorted, I am going to stand up in defense of our principles."

…unless The Don asks me to be his VP, or a well-paid ass-kisser.



ex-wife’s birthday :scream:

Paulie Boi learned early, on the playground, that it’s easier to fork over the lunch money than stand up for anything…


In a tweet following the press conference, Ryan’s spokesman said that in his role as chairman of the Republican convention, Ryan is required to stay neutral.

Pretty cowardly to hide behind that flimsy fig leaf. If you think he’s a threat to America, you’re obligated to speak out.

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Hmm, could it be gutless, authoritarian weasel will fall into line whatever?

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Keep fucking that goat RAyn.


No no no…just their lack of deference…

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I want to see ads targeting Republicans with the tagline, “If Paul Ryan can’t even stand up to Donald Trump, how can we trust him to stand up for our values?”


Party before Country.

Weaselly weasel who talks and walks like a weasel. The Republicans are masters of situational morality. And to think that that they used to be absolutists. It’s kind of breathtaking.

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I want to see ads targeting Republicans with the tagline, “If [candidate] can’t even stand up to Donald Trump, how can we trust him to stand up for our values?”


And why the heck doesn’t the press point that out?


“I am the speaker so I am going to keep doing what I said I was going to do, which is when I see principles being distorted, I am going to stand up in defense of our principles."

So principled, so very principled.

I particularly admire his commitment to doing the work of the House of Representatives, which must mean developing and passing legislation and budgets.

Wait, what, the House hasn’t done anything under Ryan except extend congressional investigations into Benghazi and vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act?



“Donald Trump is a horrible person and we disagree completely with his policies, which we think are bad for America. Of course, if he’s the nominee, we’ll support him in lockstep.” - The Party of Personal Responsibility


Because the person who chairs a contested meeting always stays completely neutral and lets any motion come to the floor if it has a potential majority of votes. You know, the way the Speaker of the House does. Oh, wait.

What this really tells us is that the teahadi caucus in the house has decided Trump is their man and they’ll toss Ryan out of his job if he sounds like he’s going to get in their way.

The previous Speaker was usually half in the bag and said incoherent things. This one’s sober but is still incoherent. Is incoherent in the job description?


You cannot make people vote.

You cannot do this because, in spite of the fact that this country allows for elections, not enough folks get the sequence of

Responsible Public Officials
Sound Public Policy
Quality of Life

If they could be made to do so, the Democrats would have had a decent Congress to work with.** Makes one wonder why the world flocks to our universities.

** In which case Eddie Munster would be an Allstate representative about to ring your doorbell instead of House Speaker. WE PUT HIM THERE BECAUSE WE CANNOT VOTE MIDTERM…

Didn’t you notice the foreshadowing???

I personally saw Paul Ryan give a speech where he was race baiting much worse than Trump has ever done. To a rural audience in Wisconsin Ryan said that “we need policies that will stop taking money from job creators to give to people in big cities who lack ethics and American values so that instead those job creators can provide jobs for you real Americans.” That is literally race baiting right out of the text books.

Ryan’s problem with Trump has nothing to do with Trump’s attacks on immigrants, Muslims or any other Americans. Rather Ryan has issues with Trump because Trump disagrees with Ryan that the Middle Class should give all its gains and wealth accumulated since the New Deal to billionaires. That is the real difference between Trump and the establishment GOP, and why the establishment GOP including Ryan despises Trump is that Trump wants to moderate GOP economic policy away from billionaires and at least somewhat toward the Middle Class.


Which would be what exactly?

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