Thank you!
All complaints should be directed to the overseer on duty during scheduled break times.
Fascism isn’t about control at all, really. It’s just guidance.
Guides are supposed to be thanked. Tipped, too, if I’m not mistaken.
How ungrateful can we possibly be?
I would normally say he’s probably going “it’s for the tax cuts!” as he cries himself to sleep every night, but considering how borked that process is now he’s gone to “it’s for 2018!” but considering how inept the “establishment” GOP and with signs of a blue wave hitting, he’s got nothing. Ryan has spent every ounce of dignity he had for NOTHING.
Nice change of subject there Ryan. The protests aren’t about the anthem and flag, they are about systematic racism and overzealous policing.
That’s some slippery jiu jitsu there, deflecting attention from the issue they’re protesting – systemic racist violence against black people (by cops and, by implication, Trump’s racist Republicans) – and centering incorrect perceptions that it’s a disparagement of our national symbols (thereby validating that incorrect perception). It’s concern trolling raised to the level of high art.
Does the linked-arms-and-standing equate to an “All lives matter” kind of thing, BTW, or is it a show of sympathy for the kneelers by a team that’s just a little to squeamish to actually join them? Any Packer Backers have a read on this? Are they all just afraid they’ll have their cheeseheads seized or something if they go against the regime in Walkerstan?
Well, that’s where you went off the rails, don’t you see?
If Paulie could really think, he wouldn’t be a right-wing asshole deluxe.
But you ¡have! to respect their “culture”. Don’t judge just because it’s culture of treason.
They are not protesting the American flag and the national anthem, Munster Boy. They are protesting the racist treatment of black Americans in this country, as every protesting player and everyone with a quarter of a fucking brain - which excludes you, Paulie - has pointed out to the entire fucking world.
You and Trump and the GOP fucked up on this one, Goon-face. Follow Alabama’s* Roy Moore’s advice and start blaming 9/11 on legal abortion and same-sex marriage. I’m sure you’ll be much more successful.
(*BTW, “Alabama” sounds kinda foreign, doesn’t it? Kinda like that blah president. Are we sure it wasn’t really born in Kenya?)
will this do?
More strawmen than a Wizard-Of-Oz convention.
Here’s something to help when you’re forced to pledge your loyalty to the country above your conscience.
I plead alignment to the flakes of the untitled snakes of a merry cow, and to the republicrats for which they scam: one nacho, underpants with licorice and jugs of wine for owls. - Matt Groening
Poke my eyes out with railroad spikes before the swimsuit competition begins, would you please, Ralph?
The irony is, I kind of agree with him… except NO ONE is protesting the anthem, they’re protesting racial inequality and police brutality during a time when the anthem is playing. They’re not trying to get the anthem changed, or something…
Hey, Paulie! Is it okay if I, as a privileged white guy with too much time on my hands, protest that shitty patriotic beer commercial song by Lee Greenwood every time someone plays it to show their phony allegiance to this country?
Right…b/c they have nothing to do with the flag or the anthem…what…whaaaa?
“it looks like you’re protesting against the ideals of America”
No, it literally doesn’t. It doesn’t look that way at all…until asshats like you and your white nationalist propaganda machine led by Faux News DELIBERATELY AND RELENTLESSLY mischaracterize it as such in order to ass-blast your white nationalist base with red meat and thereby delegitimize what is otherwise a desperate plea for unity and equality in law enforcement BECAUSE YOUR WHITE NATIONALIST BASE LIKES THE INEQUITABLE, ABUSIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT THAT THEY SEE AS INTEGRAL TO THE MAINTENANCE OF THEIR DOMINANCE.
I like you too much Dom, how about a nice sleep mask instead.
The good “Christians” of the GOP should reread their Bibles in the sections about idolatry.
Saw this story at DKos. Here’s another entry for Wisconsin’s stupidest man award. I’ll bet he agrees with Paulie.