Discussion: Paul Ryan Had A 'Good Cup Of Coffee' With Reinstated House Chaplain

Its crazy that Ryan has still not given a clear reason as to why asked him to quit in the first place.


Oh FFS Ryan: just retire and stop pretending to be a human already!

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Hey, the message here is good coffee, smiles all around, even a verse of kumbaya. Get with the program!

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I hope the good priest had the presence of mind to sprinkle holy water in Ryan’s general direction. I mean, hey, what could it hurt?


Fun fact: you can give a granny all the coffee you want (zombie or other) and she’ll still starve, so it’s all true to brand and on the up-and-up.

Ryan: “Yep, nothing better in the morning than a steaming hot cop o’ joe with a Pope-worshipping pagan infidel.”
Ryan is such a goddamned phony. I’m surprised he didn’t pull his dishwashing routine from the 2012 election campaign and clean the coffee cups afterwards.


Yeah, Rev. Conroy brought Ryan a new flavor of coffee from Starbucks: French-Roasted Crow.


And if Ryan had done this FIRST? Before unilaterally canning his ass?

And will Ryan learn anything from this?

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Details! We need details! Can you describe the coffee?

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We already know.

The Jesuit made references to how Congress could imitate Christ, and not Joel Osteen

Ryan has been baptized, been through the sacrament of marriage, should be barred from the confessional as a heretic, so I assume you mean to protect us from the evil one.

OT: What high school in Orange County?

I only hope that if the Dems take the House in November, when they assume the majority in 2019 they appoint a female rabbi as House Chaplain.

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Ryan couldn’t have done this in the FIRST place? Address problems members had with his pastoral care? He had to FIRE him to appease the whiners? How on earth is Paul gonna make it in the REAL world???


I’m sure he appreciated the aroma of fine roasted beans that came from a s***hole country.
As well as the prompt service with a smile from a well treated barista.
Kind of the opposite of the dourness of the characters in a Ayn Rand novel.

Dunkin, Starbucks, or from a locally brewed bistro? Brand, I want to know the brand.

Ryan pointed out the great beans they use to make coffee.

"Its not so much the beans as the quality of the water that makes a good cup of coffee.
“And just one more thing, Mr. Speaker,” added Conroy. “There’s no water in hell.”

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Ryan you poor randbot dolt – It’s pronounced mea culpa, not “cuppa java”.

(Twelve years of Catholic school, wasted.)

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I image the bed scene from the Exorcist would result if he did.

The coffee was good but the conversation was stilted, stifled and unintelligible. No true Contrition Was Heard.

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