Discussion for article #226656
Don’t see him having a donor base large enough to make a serious run at the 2016 GOP nomination.
Book tour. What little boy Paul doesn’t say is that he went on the government dole, thereafter. So much for Ayn Rand; but then again, she did too. Objectivism - I got mine, fuck you.
Oh yes, I’m sure it’s “policy heavy,” if by “policy” you mean a bunch of Randian bromides linked together with ellipses and magic asterisks. Because Paul Ryan is a Very Serious Person. Because if he’s not a Very Serious Person who is Very Serious about Policy, the MSM would have to acknowledge that the Republican Party has ceased to be a political party in the traditional American sense of the word and has instead, degenerated into a nihilist movement whose views are founded on self-generated mythology and magical thinking.
From the look of that face it might more relevant if Paulie talked about his own addiction.
Now I know why:
You have no compassion
Hate America
Refuse responsibility
Think you deserve the presidency because of your sad story.
why don’t you go chat with the families of the 4000 plus troops that died for the wrong reasons and see how that compares to your sad little world.