Discussion for article #223285
As a Wisconsin resident, I can attest that all of this just translates to, “Gee, I’ve seen you on the TV before. I wasn’t really paying attention to what you were saying, but you must be famous.”
“… and you look kinda weasly. Now who do I know about who’s kinda weasly?”
Well, both Ryan and Walker have that smarmy dishonest smug politician look. I kinda confuse them too.
Ryan, they’re not mistaking you for A. Weiner; people are calling you a dick.
Let’s see if I got this right, they are mistaking a big prick (a person with a hard on trying to get laid) with a little prick (a person trying to rob them of their retirement savings and health care while destroying the schools for their children and cutting their wages),
I agree with the little prick, people should know the difference.
It must be a welcome change of pace for him to be compared to Anthony Weiner instead of Eddie Munster.
Skipping the obvious “because you’re a prick” commentary…
There’s an easy way to tell. Weiner is John Stewart’s friend. Paul Ryan is nobody’s friend.
Giving the benefit of the doubt to those folks, they may not have known his exact name but they just knew and were fully aware that he was creepy.
I am sure that offends the hell out of Mr. John Birch being called Mr. John Q. Public.
If Ryan is telling the story, never ever extend the benefit of doubt.
“You’re somebody famous, aren’t you? Are you Anthony Weiner?”
“No. But I am a dick, so I can see the confusion.”
Then he takes his pants off and the sad sad difference becomes abundantly clear.
All corrupt politicians look alike…as most are corrupt
The difference of course is simple:
Wiener shows cock
Ryan sucks Koch
There’ just so much material here I’m going to quit while I’m ahead. Haha…get it…“head”? Oy vey…
The snark just writes itself!
Ahem. OK, here we go…
“That is because you are both DICKS!”.
…And we have a winner!
Probably because you are a dick.
Right on target!
I guess one weenie is about like another…
All too easy…