Discussion: Paul Reacts To Cruz 2016 Run: I'm Not 'Throwing Out Red Meat' For Votes

Discussion for article #234620

Paul also said that winning in 2016 “isn’t just about rousing a base.”

“It’s about exciting the base by being for the principles of liberty but it’s then taking those principles of liberty – not diluting them – and taking them to new people and bringing them into the party,” he said. “That’s the way you win general elections.”

To which Cruz will respond, “Isn’t it pretty to think so” before he turns Paul into political roadkill.

You’re not throwing out red meat to the voters, Ayn Rand Paul! You’re throwing out spoiled and rancid meat to your lunatic followers!


Defend that Right Flank Rand!
All you need to do at this point is to read some Ayn Rand out loud to your supporters. They will come out in droves to help you.
It won’t get you elected, but there you go…

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Translation: “Ted Cruz + Weeeeeeeed = Win!”

So where does Randy think he’s going to find all these people that the Republican principles of racism, xenophobia, misogyny, bigotry, and selfishness are going to appeal to? As far as I can see, the people who embrace these principles are already Republicans.


throwing out something intellectually enticing

Rots of Ruck!


Probably not “throwing it out”…

But certainly packaging it and schmoozing it in, alongside a helpin’ heapin’ of duplicitous libertarianism to snag susceptible youth–all in your smarmy, home-spun drawl

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something intellectually enticing to people who haven’t been listening to our message before."
I"m still waiting for the evolutionary process to kick in.
It’s coming soon, 1 dope dropping after another until the great one left is the miracle man. lol

To be lectured about principles by Rand Paul is rich. This GOP nominating process is going to be oh so much fun to watch. I just hope Trump and Christie get into this action. Please.

“I’ll just copy somebody else’s red meat.”