Discussion: Paul Dodges Question Of Low Poll Numbers With Reminder He Tops Worst-Dressed List (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #244384



Takes pride in topping the worst dressed list, but critiques Rubio’s boots?

And Randa, you really shouldn’t take fashion advice from Whoopi Goldberg.

Ha Ha…that was good one! And handled just like a professional formula politician. Which is what Sen. Paul is. A pol. There is nothing different about him and I guess the GOP primary voters don’t see him as the “most interesting man in American politics”. He’s rogue image is a media creation. He’s just a run of the mill GOP’er.

Is Paul really polling ahead of Bush? I didn’t think that was the case, at least not a few weeks ago. Has this changed?

Don’t really watch Colbert,but I see it didn’t take long for him to become no different than the other late night host,IMHO.

John Stewart had to retire to really understand what was going on with the folks he use to make fun of,and see in real time how bad it really is.This he found out with his fight for the Zadroga Act.I find nothing funny in Colberts interactions with Paul,Trump,Clinton even.

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don’t sell yourself so short Clown Boy… you also top the list as most vapid, most vacuous and most likely to plagiarize…

lotta stuff to be proud of :tea:

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Perhaps my confirmation bias is showing, but I sure hope the vast majority of American voters sees the GOP candidates as the insane extremists they are. In GOP Land, the crazy sells like Jesus at a Huckabee rally.

would that be Baby Jesus or AK-47 Jesus?