More of this, please! Keep pressing them on their lies as they continue to make a mockery of democracy.
Someone is still re-litigating the Civil War. And it ain’t Rev. Barber. Just another disgusting display of GOP bigotry, ignorance and cheating. There is no serious voter fraud problem in this country, none. Fraudulent registrations? Sure, like Anne Coulter and Steve Bannon, just to name a couple. “Voter fraud” is an invention of the vote suppressors who can’t win elections fairly, so they bend the rules to their advantage.
Boy, it takes some balls. These clowns think the rest of us are as stupid as they are.
Barber is an American hero - dedicated, articulate, principled, and focused on justice and democracy.
Why was he invited?
I just want to say I finally saw the movie Hidden Figures yesterday. The movie is set very close to the time Obama was born and around the time Trump was entering his “adult” life.
Sure, it seems a bit ham-handed in that movie shorthand sort of way, but it does portray the combination of vindictiveness and obliviousness that made segregation possible and is endemic in the Trump administration and is the guiding force behind so much of Southern politics. Those issues are not ancient history.
From watching the video I can see (and hear) that that is one articulate minister. Meanwhile I came up with a nickname for vice-president Pence:
“Gerald R.”
Really. Unfuckingbelievable.
Patrons? Um, I may be wrong but, despite the fact that churchs are indeed businesses, I believe those people would still be called “parishioners.”
But then again, there are “patron saints.”
The Secretary of State, "threatened to prosecute a filmmaker who described registering to vote in the state as “complex and complicated.” Was he wearing his brown shirt and jackboots at the time?
It’s Alabama, where theater owners are not showing Beauty and the Beast because of a gay character
The director of Disney’s live-action “Beauty and the Beast” re-boot announced this week the movie will feature a gay character. Because of that, owners of Henagar Drive-In Theatre in rural Alabama say they will not show the movie.
“There are people in every time and every land who want to stop history in its tracks. They fear the future, mistrust the present, and invoke the security of a comfortable past which, in fact, never existed.” – Robert F. Kennedy
I keep waiting for all of these sick bastids to die off. Maybe it’s genetic and they keep reproducing their sickness in succeeding generations.
Secretary of State John Merrill
Yeah, that’s him all right.
Teapots are gay enough without being called gay, aren’t they? That’s like putting a hat on a hat. That an entire community might find that threatening sounds SO MUCH LIKE THE TALIBAN!
Theater management has pledged to replace the film with something more palatable to local residents.
Another one with a punchable face.
Is that some super secret whit power hand sign he’s flashing, or does he not know how to stand for a publicity photo?