Discussion for article #242272
but suggested that the private sector lead the charge against climate change.
Wha… wha… what?
Just when it sounds kind of rational, the insanity slips in.
One of the things that troubles me about the Republican Party is too often we question science that everyone accepts
Rong answer dude.
And this is precisely why he is still at the kiddie table.
No support for reality in that GOP bubble.
I see Pataki drew the short straw, and has to act the role of the “rational Republican” so that the media can remain nestled in its comfortable cocoon of “both sides do itism”.
Sigh. And the media will fall for it.
But in physical universe, “Science questions you!”
“Pataki Slams GOP On Climate Change: ‘We Question Science’”
So what are you going to do about that George ?
The inability to crack Hillary Clinton is causing all kind of interesting stuff, isn’t it?
First there was Miz Lindsay, now there’s George.
Pataki realizes that the only way the GOP is going to be taken seriously as a party is if they start ACTING seriously. Otherwise, the Democrats will start using the ‘k’’ word–as in ‘kooks’–ALL…DAY…LONG.
I can’t wait for tonight’s gotcha question:
“Drones…or …Runaway Blimps?”
“We used to roast Stay-Puft marshmallows around the fire at Camp Wakonda.”
Yes, of course…Mr. Stay Puft will be the twist that will make them terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.
Wait a minute…they don’t need to be terrified for that to happen.
Might he mean “lead the charge against CO2 emissions”?
And hence the reason he’s not getting any traction in the primary.
What??? Next thing you know, he’s going to make the outrageous unAmerican claim that Jesus did NOT ride a T-Rex… burn the witch!!!
Pataki is the last remaining Rockefeller Republican in existence, but without the money, name-recognition, or talent. Sad. Somebody should tell him he is a dinosaur. Mrs. Pataki maybe?
Well, he’s half right, climate change is real, and humans are contributing to it. But the private sector will not fix the problem unless the public sector puts a high enough price on not fixing it.
Even as successful a practitioner of capitalism as Bill Gates understands the limits of what the private sector can or will do on this issue.
The man who has benefited most from capitalist economics has come clean about its inability to deal with the most pressing issue of our time: climate change. In an interview with Atlantic, the Microsoft magnate argued:’the private sector is in general inept’ as a tool to manage catastrophic changes to our climate that would threaten life on earth.
Trying to sound rational ain’t gonna work in the GOP Mr Pataki
Is this the “campaign-ending stunt” we were hearing about?