Discussion for article #222972
I’d like to solve the puzzle: MORONIC DOUCHEBAG.
Sometimes it’s fun to poke a stick in a hornets’ nest just to hear the buzzing.</I
Typical GOP’er.
Duncan Black clued me in to Sajak 10 or more years ago… up to then I had no idea he was an idiot.
Not surprising. He’s a big wig at wingnut publishing house Regnery.
lol is pronounced lol, isn’t it?
Whenever I see that show I can only think of what a mind-numbing existence that man has led through the years. Could you imagine doing something like that day after day year after year? o.m.g. The self-loathing he must wrestle with…
vowel man.more like bowel man.
Remember when Pat had a letter published that said that people who collect paychecks in any way related to the gummint (specifically he was gunning for teachers, because, you know, we just purge the intelligencia) should not be allowed to vote.
I don’t think he ever clarified if that applied to the military.
I was going to say it’s pronounced with an “ahh” sound as in “Ahh…what a douchebag.”
Age hasn’t been kind to him.
This clown spun a wheel for bucks his whole life. Who gives a fuck what he thinks?
I just waited all year for him to weigh in on this matter with his learned opinion. Really? Why do folks with some public persona who are eminently unqualified to speak of such just feel that we peons need to hear their thoughts on the matter? A little too much self-importance is a dangerous thing. Stick to peddling the alphabet one letter at a time, Pat.
Sajak has always been the poster child for those who have zero discernible talent, having a wildly popular career.
This only reconfirms what a flaming idiot that man is.
Liberals believe people with training and expertise who’ve done peer reviewed, reproducible research that stands up to the requirement of intersubjectivity. Conservatives believe has-been game show hosts.
Pat is just bitter. He can’t remember the last time a climatologist bought an A.
That it follows Jeopardy! here on our Comcast system makes it like having your brain go from a pleasant 60 mph clip, right into a brick wall. I’m surprised I have so far not injured myself lunging for the remote after final Jeopardy.
Phuck Pat Sajak and anything he has to say! He’s never been anything but a game-show host and washed-out weatherman!
And conservatives wonder why there aren’t more of them in Hollywood.
Now Pat Sajak is a climate scientist you can believe in!
I suppose that it’s an incremental gain when it’s no longer global warming “hoaxers” or “conspiracists”.
"Global warming alarmists " suggests that he’s not denying the fact of climate change but there’s nothing to get upset about.
At least, not until a wildfire races up his driveway in the San Fernando Valley.