Correction: Pervs who can’t keep it in their pants are succeeding in destroying Fox News.
Fox should subcontract their groping. Always put yourself in a position to palm off bad behavior on one of your subs.
More like sexual harassment is destroying Fox News. Face it, white men are not above being punished
Why do we even bother to give this geriatric dinosaur headlines?? FFS.
It’s such a waste of time and space.
For Pat Robertson to make grand pronouncements without much if any factual information about what he is talking about is more usual than unusual.
I just think he should be consistent and let everyone know that just as Katrina was God punishing a sinful city the Fox Sex Scandal is God’s punishment of a corrupt and sinful organization.
Senile old goat say what?
Pat we’re surprised you’re alive.
Keep up the good work
Seems the women accusing Boling, and other Fox personalities, might have a slander/libel case against Robertson. He’s accusing them as a group of fabricating their stories.
He seems pretty knowledgeable about how to take down a competing broadcaster.
Pat Robertson: Sexual Harassment Claims Are Attempt To Destroy Fox News
What else did God tell you, Pat? We really, really wanna know.
Bolling? There’s a completely reasonable explanation:
The devil made him do it.
Girding up the loins would appear to be the problem, not the solution.
I keep waiting until Pat’s scandal comes to light.
tell me more about this so-called “party of personal responsibility”
The Homos made him do it
God is constantly whispering that in Ol’ Pats ear
It’s a liberal conspiracy that these creeps can’t get laid without coercing their coworkers or paying for it. Yup, that’s the only possible reason.
Not sure if ‘gird ones loins’ is where I would have gone in this one!
I think it is their own hubris not God which is bringing them down, I’d be just as happy if Robertson pointed that out.
Robertson, who called Bolling a “straight arrow,” a “dedicated Catholic” who “goes to mass every day” and a “very nice man.”
So was Cardinal Bernard Law, bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston.
I expect an army of lawyers from the esteemed Regent University School of Law to rise to the occasion and offer to defend Bolling pro bono.
Pat Robertson is still alive??
For God’s sake why?