Discussion for article #234299
Go get 'em, Anne, and if there’s any justice in the world (there mostly isn’t) Fox will be paying gobs of money over to an actual real Socialist politician and her espresso-sipping city. I would LOVE IT.
Ahh…nothing like the sound of Ailes’ and Murdoch’s nuts in a vise. Bankrupt the bastards!
Let the lawsuits begin!
¨Paris Mayor: ‘What Fox News Did Was to Lie’ ¨
Bienvenue chez nous, Madame le Maire.
It’s smart she’s going after Faux on her home turf. Any French judgment only carries weight in France, where no American network has news bureaus. Had she tried to do it Stateside, she would have armed wing nuts tailing her for the rest of her life.
…or reanimate Mme. Defarge and the Tricoteuse.
Sorry, but Fox won the lawsuit in 2003 giving them the right to pretty much lie with impunity.
Fox being anti truth, anti science, anti people of color…thats who they are…and they are proud of it
BTW here’s a great French takedown of the whole idea. They sent camera crews to the supposed “no-go zones” with results you might expect. It’s actually a nice visit to some non-touristy arrondissements, talking with everyday Parisians. Check it out:
I wonder how many times the words “Fox News lied” have been uttered? It seems fitting on Pi Day to wonder how high that number goes.
When will an American elected official be brave enough to say the same thing?
On that day, the judges should have forced Fox News to change their tagline to “We Lie, You Decide”.
I used to teach minority students born between 1955 and 1988. The wheelhouse of the Second Reconstruction. In the early parts of that era, especially, some of them would act toward well-meaning white students as abrasively as, well, what many of us saw in films made during that time. I would sometimes say to my students variants of this,
"You are encountering people who, because of the aura of the Movement, the 1960s, the configuration of the media at this time, are fairly receptive and amenable to the minority experience. However, the majority population has numbers, power, capital and influence. Most of the time one of us can get some sort of contrite response by mentioning our hardships and a common reply will be some sort of disclaimer of prejudice and racism. However, throughout history, there have been majority populations who have cheerfully and enthusiastically proclaimed, ‘Yes, I really do not care for you or the group you represent.’ "
FOX is moving us, in an ever-increasing arc, toward this reality.
“And we should not accept this type of talk that only adds difficulty.”
Most Americans don’t either.
We just have this problem of runaway capitalism fueling a corrupt political party.
Thanks for a link to a diary whose first sentence is “The premise of this diary has been debunked by Snopes.”
An irrational number to match the tenor of their reporting?
FOX News ONLY exists due to lies, distortions, half-truths and nonsense. They have nothing else to offer and their sheeple FOXbot scum audience demands nothing more.
FOX…“We distort__ You comply.” _Check our facts at : w w w: madeupshit.com
What Fox News DOES Is To Lie!
Fox news response,“We will continue to lie, and lie again, and lie AGAIN, until reality is what we say it is. Oh and by the way, we are still at war with East Asia.”