Discussion for article #233090
The criminals known as ISIS took her hostage and were responsible for her welfare. Her blood is on their hands.
Big grain of salt needed here. I don’t doubt she is dead but I do doubt it was a Jordanian airstrike that killed her. That’s a bit too convenient. She was an American and therefore had zero chance of leaving ISIS alive. This reeks of two birds with one stone.
Rational thinking Americans would see her death a blessing (IF she was in fact killed by the airstrike). Considering who had her she had zero chance of being released. Imagine the nightmare she went through while a captive.
I believe Kayla was killed within a few months of capture. This was a waste of a young humanitarian life. My feelings are mixed, I admire her for what she was doing, at the same time, I feel angry that she was there knowing the danger.
That’s entirely likely, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if they kept her in a place likely to be hit. Right now the Jordanians are hitting Raqqa, ISIS’s headquarters, rather than the front lines that the US has been hitting.
It does not matter who why or how. This young lady’s blood is on ISIL’s hands They called her a “guest”. That makes her treatment incumbent upon them by their own so-called religion. A guest to a Muslim should be afforded better treatment than one’s own family. I have traveled in Asia and the mid-east and seen this for myself first hand. ISIL is not worthy to be called even a terrorist. They are not human, or humane.
I’m at a loss of words right now to say much more.
Apparently she felt it was something she wanted and had to do. I doubt she didn’t understand (maybe not fully) of the dangers. It is sad but people should be able to live their lives as they see fit.
They don’t give a shit about the meaning of the word guest.
I know.
When I was in Afghanistan many many years ago I was treated to many things I dod not deserve or expect. It was explained to me as a religious duty called “pashtunwali”. Even though I heard some odd and extreme political views hatred was never directed toward me as i was a guest in their home. And I saw a LOT of guns. I know where the Taliban come from. I understand their fierce independence and pride that is taken to a fault. But still I did not feel threaten…ever…while a guest.
ISIS is not Muslim. It’s a death cult.