Discussion: Parents Freak Out Over Tribute To Teen Moms In AZ High School Yearbook

Discussion for article #222958

I have no problem with schools and school districts doing everything they can to support and help make teen moms and their children successful. I absolutely support the idea of sharing these girls stories whether on Teen Mom or in high school newspapers or other publications, but I don’t think these girls should get a prominent spot in the yearbook. That’s taking it a bit too far.


From what we can see of the page, it’s not like they’re glamorizing it.

Just more people looking for something to be shocked (SHOCKED!!!) about.


“Hollands added that the school is “100 percent behind” student parents and their decision to complete their education.”

they just don’t want to hear about it.

From my own personal experiences in Mormonland, they seem to want/expect their daughters to start pumping out little Mormons as soon as they are able to breed.

In one of my first stints in Utah, I was there for 3 months with a guy from NJ and another from Phoenix. They came to the conclusion that we must all be gay since not only were none of us married, but none of us had children, even though we were in our 20s. And no, I am not kidding. We actually had an admin asst ask us one day because everyone in the building was so curious.

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Looks like it’s time for Sniffit to 'splain again:

People in AZ with names like Shelly Adams, Kathee Merkley and Helen Hollands

are complaining about yearbook pages from teen moms featuring a big fat quote at the top from a teen mom named

Aurelia Benavidez

Did I make that clear enough for everyone or shall I continue my 'splainin?


Nope, that 'splains things pretty well.

Interesting situation. Is the yearbook just for achievements? If you want it to be, I guess it is. Or is it a more nuanced, rounder reflection of the students’ world with all the good and bad? More of a challenge but maybe a worthier and more interesting goal. These kids are in a tough spot, trying to have good outcomes for their children and themselves. It’s not like they got busted for selling meth and are doing time in juvie or something. If you did this right, and struck the right balances, I think it could be a really good thing.

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So I’m guessing if we ignore teen parents, they don’t exist? Some people are not too bright.

Thanks, Sniffit. 'nuff said.

Hey you teenage girls who had SEX: The beatings will continue until morale improves.

So it’s a Catch-22. While abortion rights are taken away, girls who have their babies should be shamed rather than appreciated for their efforts. I don’t see why their stories shouldn’t be told in some detail as a cautionary tale so kids might actually use birth control.

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So…does the football team get a page if they have a losing season? Surely some standards need to be maintained.


Nice catch… I didn’t even really look at the image.

Funny, I was always led to believe my yearbooks were a memorialization of my time in school. Nobody said anything about “achievements”, and frankly to me it’s an achievement for any of these teen parents to stay in school. Last time I checked they’re still part of the student body, aren’t they?

I didn’t see the whole page but from what little I have read I didn’t get any sense of glamorizing a teen parent lifestyle. I sense just the opposite - a pretty distinctive PSA on this not exactly being the MTV version of what it’s like to have a child at that young age.

Serious double standard of messaging on this one. Seems that they don’t want you to abort your fetus, but they also don’t want anyone else in this school to know that you exist and actually had a child while trying to get an education to give that child, and yourself, a better life someday. Hypocrites.

I live in Mesa not too far from the school, but I am one of very many who are trying very hard to leave not only Mesa but Arizona as well. I have to say this is nothing more than the Mormons and the Right Wing Evangelicals who think they have all the answers but frankly don’t even have the questions. I have not seen the yearbook but just the title and the sentence or two shows these young people did something noteworthy to finish their education during a tough situation so it is a accomplishment. The area is not very friendly and we have people driving the wrong way on roads, even last night on the cross streets of where I live we had a shoot out. But these dorks are more worried about a freaking yearbook.

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I’m guessing these freaked out parents also encourage pregnant girls to have their babies rather than abort.

Their girls don’t get pregnant. It’s those other girls that get pregnant.

Are high school girls still really that stupid? They really have no clue that it’s difficult to attend school AND raise a child? Give them the two yearbook pages so they can state the obvious: “It’s hard to raise a child and attend high school at the same time.”

The name on the yearbook page in the picture is “Aurelia Benavidez”; odds are, not a Mormon. How do they feel about the non-Mormon competition?