Discussion: Papa John Founder Wants Back In As The Chain's Public Face

“I was in charge but the company didn’t do enough.”

Motto of a “personal responsibility” Republican.


I hope he gets his job back and I hope he goes whole hog and renames it Pizza 4 Nazis, Racists & Bigots, Oh My!

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Why not? I imagine the primary market for this cardboard crap is non-coastal white men without college degrees (but with bad taste). Racism is just a plus for this group.

Nah John - Better Ingredients = Better CEO/Company.


I guess it’s difficult to accept when an entire society says “Ugh, go away and stay, you’re awful.” I get that. But that’s still what he should do, if they want to sell pizza. I read in a newspaper about 20 years ago that the owner of Cento foods was rude to another person on a rafting trip or some damn thing, and I haven’t bought any of their stuff since. Consumers have a choice, and they can choose among a variety of chain pizzas whose owners somehow manage not to be offensive over and over again.


Wow, I knew he was a fame whore, but I did not realize that cutting off his access to cameras and lighting would make him sick like a junkie. Sorry, John, you’re cut off. Better go sleep it off.


He looks and sounds like a greasy slimeball, so his image fits the product.

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John Schnatter can burn in hell while rats eat away at his balls.

The CEO and founder of Papa John's pizza wants investors to know that when the president's health care law takes effect, the price of pizza is going up with it.

***According to "Papa" John Schnatter, the cost of providing health insurance for all of his pizza chain's uninsured, full-time employees comes out to about 14 cents on a large pizza***. That's less than adding an extra topping and a third the price of an extra pepperoncini. If you want that piping hot pie delivered, the $2 delivery fee will cost you 14 times as much as that health insurance price hike.

"We're not supportive of Obamacare, like most businesses in our industry," Schnatter said on a conference call with shareholders last week, as reported by Politico. ***"If Obamacare is in fact not repealed, we will find tactics to shallow out any Obamacare costs and core strategies to pass that cost onto consumers in order to protect our shareholders' best interests."***


14 cents a pizza in increased cost due to insuring his employees was too goddamned much for him to bear. Oh, and nice touch making it clear the shareholder's wallets were more important than the peace of mind health insurance would provide his employees.

Again, emphatically, ***FUCK YOU JOHN SCHNATTER!!***

Yep, no matter what he or the firm does they still will not get me to buy the crap…


Why is this man not in President Trump’s Cabinet?

“My persona resonates with the consumer because it’s authentic, it’s genuine and it’s the truth,”

No. You’re an asshole. If Wendy’s merges with PJ’s as has been rumored, Dave Thomas will roll over in his grave. HE was authentic, and genuine and resonated with the consumer. And THAT’S the truth.

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The only thing greasier than a Papa John’s pizza, is Papa John’s hair…

Exxon should drill…

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