I know which version, Leon. The Asshole Version 2.0.
Alt-president Trump as Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde? Only in this case, both sides are evil.
There comes a point where being “even-handed” crosses over into self-owning satire.
Trump is manic.
This is the Deep State accusing him of being a Jekyll & Hyde Manic Depressive with Dunning-Kruger characteristics and a grand soupçon of malignant narcissism.
he’s not very nice, either.
Or Congress will make it for him …
“And you’re not quite sure what Donald Trump is going to show up in the Oval Office.”
Christ, what an inane comment, Panetta is still saying that after months and months of Pee showing exactly who he is? There is no different version of Trump. There’s only one version, a weak racist narcissist dementing incompetent thin-skinned revolting orange little-Nazi idiot traitor.
It is during the day, and he isn’t on drugs?
Jekyll and Hyde. Whoever called that is correct.
Keep this talking point going. “Does he even want this job?” It’s sure to rattle His Most Serene Cheeto!
Agreed. The train for ending diplomo-speak left the station on Jan. 20th at 12:03.
I guess Leon wasn’t able to parse Angelou’s “The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
Tomorrow it’ll be as as if Panetta hadn’t been interviewed (for a minute and a half), and it’s not worth working yourself into a lather over it. It’s CNN filling airtime and it’s TPM asking people to go crazy with comments. People need to relax.
Panetta is rolling out some PBO 11th dimensional trolling…I love it.
Tsar Trump has to be on CNN twitter. He’ll see it.
“Deep State”, where “deep” is used in the sense of “rational” and “state” is used in the sense of “observer”.
I’m not normally a flag waver, but I’ll make an exception for you.
I wasn’t sure where to put this, but a post that addresses the mental instability of donnie seemed as good a place as any.
So, here’s the thing…I have these Trumpster voters in my family (from other states) and we have contact on Instagram. And since the election I have periodically posted stuff dissing donnie, which they always completely ignore. But today, for the first time, one of them “liked” a negative Trump post!!! It was about James Clapper declaring Trump “unfit” and a “threat” to our nation. And I got a “like” from a Trumpster!!!
So, I am choosing to look at this as a turning point. That maybe, just maybe, the Trump koolaid is beginning to get sour.
Well played. Panetta is taking a page from the godfather of concern trolls: