Discussion for article #222055
At this point I think she’s going for performance art. How despicable. Love how she puts something good (to Christians) baptism in with torture.
At this point the NRA is going for how low can you go in their speakers.
Waterboard terrorists? Okay, start with Cliven Bundy and the so-called “militia” that is helping him.
Nice Palin. Nothing like mixing religion, torture, and government together.
Why don’t you also just mention that we are Crusaders fighting a holy war while you are it. Stir up some more religious hatred toward the US.
This is pure evil. Not really much else to say.
This women is a dumbass who is way over her head and fits in perfectly with her new he-man hero; Cliven “Ted” Bundy.
Sarah you are a waste of skin and an embarrassment to humanity.
I have no doubt you would, Sarah. And yet another example of why elevating this malevolent dimwit to the national stage will be John McCain’s (and Mark McKinnon’s) everlasting shame.
That she spouted her latest vile word salad at something called the “Stand and Fight” rally hosted by the NRA is no surprise at all. The NRA today is little more than a shield for the Sovereign Citizens movement and the gun manufacturers, with rancid Wayne LaPirerre as its spokesman and rally leader.
Where’s Martin Bashir when you need him?
What goes around can’t come around fast enough for this one. Yuk.
What an utterly vile person. Dick Cheney in drag.
This woman’s ignorance is beyond the pale why we are still listening to this years down the road is beyond me. All those tea party advocates that support her should be so embarrassed to be associated with her, but they have no shame they think torturing in the name of Jesus is some kind of a God given right
you will NEVER be President Palin so your words mean NOTHING
Isn’t she just a regular fucking riot?
“But if you control arms, you control the people, and that is what they’re trying to do.”
I believe she described perfectly the intent of the NRA and their lackeys. Does it get any simpler than that? The NRA and Shillin’ Sister Sarah are a perfect match for each other. The blind leading the blind…
How did this woman ever come to any prominence? Don’t answer that. It was a rhetorical question.
Is she selling a book again?
This is like looking at an accident on the freeway-- awful, but horribly fascinating. When is this ignorant clot going to cave in under the weight of her own bullshit??
It is long past time we that we stopped paying attention to this twit.
Well done I think he covered a good number of the rascals.
If we lower American standards to the level of terrorists, then what differentiates us from them? What makes us better than them?
everything i say is like a bumper sticker on somebody’s truck.