Discussion: Palin: No, I Didn't Blame Obama For Track's Post-Traumatic Stress

GOOD JOB Republicans, here’s a sample of their FINE



i have no doubt the water pipes into my apt (and most of the country) look the same. i use one of those brita filters, and it’s revealing to check that little filter every month to see the buildup of gunk… and this is one of those cheapo filters. imagine what’s getting thru.

Absolutely but it works for them. She made her comments to a video camera and denies anyway but gets away with it. Take Trump’s quip about Fiorinna’s looks. He made it on video but just denied…and got away with it. We are seeing a new method here…a lie to big to fail.


This bitch really makes my ulcer act up.


Bill Maher talked about how easily they lie and then swear to it on his show Friday night.

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Depending on what minerals are in the water, some solids are bound to precipitate out and stick to the pipes. If its calcium, or iron, its not going to hurt you. What is hurting people in Flint is completely different. Lead, a known neuro-toxin, is being leached out by corrosive water, that could and should have been treated to be less corrosive. I don’t know who made the decision not to treat it. However, the people who made the decision to switch to river water should have asked “are we doing all we should to make sure this urine colored water we are making people drink is safe.” Either they failed to ask, or failed to listen, Either way, its malfeasance at the highest level.


How does she not know how stupid she sounds? And how can anyone who likes her not be embarrassed (not by what she says) but the way she says it.

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I dunno. I find Maher more a part of the problem than the solution so I pay no attention to him.


I don’t normally find myself wanting to defend Sarah Palin but she really didn’t blame The President for her son’s PTSD. Go back and read the transcript or watch the video. She says that many soldiers came back different, and that Obama doesn’t respect them, but she did not link Obama directly to the PTSD. She should have come out immediately after these headlines started last week to deny blaming Obama.

Questions Lauer should have asked her:
How to you “adamantly suggest” something?
What is a “squirmish?”
Are you receiving remuneration or the promise thereof for your work on the Trump campaign?


She complains about the insufficient care of veterans and away from home traipsing around the country while her son is supposedly one who suffers? Seems she is AWOL in the caring mother department. Oh, and don’t get me started on Bristol’s abstinence from sex campaign. The whole family is cuckoo.

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Hope you didn’t watch Downton Abbey…

Just saw her defending her choice of Trump over Cruz: "Well…Chris…Cruz uuuhhh…Cruz wuzz a teeny blip down there in Texas until I endorsed him…anuh’ helped him out…uhh…no one…I chose…Trump will restore our great democracy and fight for our freedoms …I chose Trump…"

Gawwwd’ almighty my ear began to bleed with that word salad. What a cancer on our psyche that banshee is.

A paraphrase from “Planet of the Apes”:
George Taylor: " You finally really did it.
George Taylor: You Maniac [McCain]! You did it! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!"

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The_Mask: Can we ask Sarah how many times her son sought help at the VA for his emotional issues and when the diagnosis of PTSD was made? It’s been 6 years since he mustered out. Surely he’s applied.

doesn’t ptsd result from actual combat duty? doesn’t seem to be in his resume. however, living for 26 years with a whack job of a mother could knock anyone off track.


No , I’m not going to look or listen to a load of screeching .

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Who are you going to believe, what Sarah Palin says now, or what Sarah Palin said then? They can’t both be right! (of course, they both cna be wrong).

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JESUS CHRIST!! GO AWAY!!! YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY IRRELEVANT!! Except as a demo you don’t want your daughters to emulate. Please keep your grifting in Wassila.


Who cares? And why is anyone still putting this creature on teevee to babble? I’d rather chew ground glass for a week than listen to her screeching one more time. Enough with the hillbilly from the north!

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Go away, ex-Governor Troll.