Discussion for article #231648
As Sarah continues her slow, sad descent into obscurity, rejection, and cabin fever.
She has never been particularly articulate or intelligent with her words - but this is beginning to sound to me as though she is suffering some kind of debilitating mental problem (I’m trying to phrase this kindly.)
It’s so cute that PETA and Palin have finally found each other. I wish them a long and productive trollfest.
it’s called narcissism.
srsly. PETA’s latest cause is wool. Yep, wool is bad because this one time a shepard mistreated some sheep and PETA got their hands on the photo. WOOL IS MURDER! Fk you, PETA.
I think the technical term is full on nutbag troll.
This is one of those situations in which it’s impossible to pick a side. There is no lesser of these two evils.
Palin needs to put her grandkid or whoever the poor child is
back in the hands of his mother.
She seems a bit . . . . .uummmm, off . . . .
She must think everyone has forgotten about the Wasilla rumble.
EDIT: Or maybe she has.
all one needs to know about Sarah Palin is that all she has done since John McCain put her on the national stage is grift the right wing mouthbreathers and help further divide this nation into left and right camps. She could have used her fame to do something to better this nation. She hasn’t dedicated herself to public service or run for office. She talks a lot about being a Christian but I don’t recall her doing any of the things Jesus talked about like helping the poor and disadvantaged. She’s had over six years to contribute something positive to this nation, to prove her critics wrong about her. The verdict is well and truly in: she is just another politics-obsessed hate peddler like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. She is one of the people who helps ruin family holiday gatherings by egging on your crazy rat-wing uncle who takes seriously all those mass-forwarded emails ranting about something or other that Obama has done to grab all the guns and oppress Christians and raise taxes to 200% so that ni^^ers can live on welfare and have free Obamaphones.
Maybe she has and the liberal lamestream media only reports the things it wants to about her. (doubtful but I’m trying to be fair-minded here). Apparently her calling in life is to be a shrieking harpy. A dumb, semi-literate, proudly ignorant shrieking harpy. I’m glad she stays the fuck in Alaska, almost as far as one can get from the rest of us and still be in America (yeah Hawaii, I know you are a state too).
“…these kind of haters who’ll keep on hating,”"
Wow, if ever there was a case of projection, this is it.
And of course leave it to NBC to give Palin a soapbox. Disgusting.
Also NBC seemed glad to help her get publicity.
reporting anything that is derogatory about the Palins, even if true, = hating. Got it. Hey Sister Sarah, what’s it like up there on the cross? Do you have a better view of Putin’s living room? What’s he watching on TV? Do you get lunch breaks? Does Bristol spell you every couple hours for potty breaks and naps?
The first rule of holes, Sarah: When you’re in one, stop digging.
What continues to amaze me about this ridiculous story with this completley insane woman, AND the Chris Christie awkward hug of Cowboys owner, is what incredibly thin skin these conservatives have. They sure like to hurl nasty insulst out (and in Christie’s case, yell at whomever has the audacity to challenge him on ANYTHING), but whenever someone questions their actions, Palin and Christie (et al) go completley overboard. Why in the hell are you in politics if you can stand criticism??They love to dish it out, but can’t take it…and then conveniently blame the media (and lefties). Don’t they get that the vast majority of us are laughing AT you, not with you?
They both are SO revolting. Go away both of you. Neither of you have what it takes to make it to the big leagues.
I think that is nothing new. Consider how the others have turned out…
Putting it in a pet carrier, strapping that to the roof of the Olds Vista Cruiser and speeding down the expressway is kind of adorable too.
If that were the case, though, you’d certainly see it on her Facebook page, and it wouldn’t be all-harpy, all-the-time.