Discussion: Palin Appears To Attribute Her Son’s Domestic Violence Arrest To PTSD

Huh ? He was in the military BEFORE the 2008 election wasn’t he ?


Yes, Mr. Bone Spur, the draft dodger. Which foot was that again?


PTSD? Thoughts and prayers oughta be enuff


She has one handicapped child in the home whose brother, in his mid-20’s, that she says possibly suffers from PTSD. And she has weapons in the home. Someone needs to call in Child Welfare Services.


Sarah Palin:

It makes me realize more than ever it is now or never for the sake of America’s finest that we have that commander in chief who will respect them and honor them.

You know what’s a really good way to honor America’s soldiers, Sarah?

Not sending them into unnecessary wars of choice, like George Bush did in Iraq, and all of the current GOP presidential candidates are advocating we do in Iran.


Mrs. Palin, I am truly sorry your son is grappling with PTSD – but to even attempt to lay the blame on President Obama is so childish of you. Track entered the service, knowing full well what was happening. If “blame” needs to be laid anywhere, it is at GWBush and Dick Cheney. The Military Industrial Complex is a very terrible monster we Americans need to fight and kill. Again, I am sincerely sorry Track is dealing with this awful condition. Instead of throwing blame at President Obama, why not pick up the phone and ask the White House what you–Sarah Palin–can do to help. Do not forget that is the Tea Party who keeps fucking up the budgets and priorities. To blame Pres. Obama for this is just deflecting the truth – and you know this. I wish Track the best.


Palin is a millionaire. She should be providing the best medical & mental health care for her family out of love and caring.


Track already has wonderful healthcare through the Native American tribe to which he belongs. Sarah knows this.


Somebody learned a new word!

“When my own son is going through what he goes through coming back, I can certainly relate with other families who kind of feel these ramifications of some PTSD and the woundedness that our soldiers do return with,”

it has exposed not just that tragic ramifications of that betrayal of
the transformation of our country, but too, he has exposed the
complicity on both sides of the aisle that has enabled it, okay?

It makes me wonder, though, did Track join willingly, or was he pushed into service as a prop for his mom’s political career, so she could brag and wave the flag?


Ok – Let’s just say that Track’s malfunctions are on Obama —

I’m still waiting for the Wasilla Vanilla’s excuse —

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OK. But I have a problem. I’m a combat vet ( long range recon in Vietnam ) with 3 bullet holes ( 2 AK-47 1 M-16 ) a 10 inch square shrapnel patch in my lower abdomen and half my left nut and my whole left lung are in a rice paddy after some asshole threw a Chinese grenade at me. I got shot down in a chopper and overran on a fire base. Smoked pot and inhaled. And there was a thing in a brothel I won’t talk about.

But I never hit a woman even though a few hit me. PTSD is no fucking excuse for that. Has Gov. Palin’s kid asked for help and been denied? Did the VA tell him to fuck off? I doubt it. He’s an asshole and that’s why he did it. Sarah Palin’s family has problems. Most American families do. But there a theme with this woman. It’s never her people’s fault but its always yours.


Supposedly, Track joined without his parents knowing. At least, that’s what I’ve read.


Of course. Same with that school bus vandalism case that forced him into the military in the first place as a condition of not having that on his record. He only committed that crime because of his case of premonitionary PTSD. Don’t these people take responsibility for anything they do?



And that someone takes the assault weapon away from him. “Honey, give me the gun.”


And I know plenty of folk who have quietly served, and wouldn’t get out on any stage acting all grandiose.

It truly is that those who have experienced the real injuries stand in the corner quietly, because they Really feel that there are others more deserving of honor.


Obama gave that PTSD case an assault rifle. It’s all Obama’s fault! Not that there is anything wrong with owning an assault rifle. Wait, there is no such thing as an assault rifle! I get so confusitated…


So what went wrong with those other kids who never served in the military? The ones having sex and babies outside of marriage, robbery, etc.

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Just when I thought my disgust for Palin couldn’t sink any lower. My gawd, shut up!

Sarah, if you’re worried about your son holding an assault rifle to his head (which you ought to be), then stop your grifting and take the first jet back to be by his side. And to imply the government is supposed to take care of her son while she wings across the country, using him as a pawn. What the hell?

What an utterly disgusting human! While I would like to say her family needs her, given this latest display, I’m not so sure about that. Perhaps they had better get some professional help, pick up the pieces, and leave mama bear in the dust. I have a feeling she’ll get over it. Seems she already has.


My understanding is that Track was in fact given a choice between jail and service. Unfortunately, I don’t have a cite for that. It was long enough ago that I don’t remember where I read it.


Why was the Talibunny in Iowa instead of in Alaska taking care of her family? Doesn’t family come first? If Trackeyboy was having all this trouble a real family oriented mother would stay and help her son.