Discussion for article #223084
“a large-scale return is seen as the main goal. Israel vehemently objects, saying this would dilute its Jewish majority.” And people are criticized for comparing this to apartheid why?
Because the Arab lands which drove out their Jews do not recognize a right of return for those Jews and are theocratic states and are not criticized for it. Jews in those lands are de jure and de facto second class citizens.
Moslem citizens of Israel are not second class citizens to the same degree.
Requiring any country to accept a high percentage of ethnically distinct citizens sworn to their destruction is simply ridiculous.
If the Moslem lands had dealt with Islamic refugees the same way that Israel dealt with Jewish refugees, we wouldn’t be having this ridiculous debate.
One act does not justify another.
Right of return is not acceptance of nameless wandering refugees, it is acknowledgment of a wrong done to a population who under acts of colonialism were forced from their land.
The U.N. and all the Arab countries are to blame for the Palestinians spending decades in refugee camps. In the past, refugees were eventually resettled, but Arab countries have refused to accept Palestinians into their societies.
“Palestinians” used to refer to Muslims, Christians and Jews who lived in the Palestinian territories. But the fact that Muslim Palestinians want to expel Jews from the entire area is not only apartheid but ethnic cleansing. If you bothered to look at the Hamas and Fatah charters, you’d know that.
Meanwhile, Jews who lived in Arab countries–and who were citizens, as opposed to people living in what the U.N. called the “unassigned territories”–had their citizenship revoked and their property stolen by Egypt, Libya, Iraq, etc. Many of those Jews resettled in Israel. I don’t hear people like you calling for reparations for those Jews.
The Syrian war has
Blaming the U.N. and other Arab nations for not accepting the Israeli made refugees ignores the original crime.
It is in fact Palestinian Arabs who have been forcibly removed from the land in which we are speaking and bringing up the history of other Arab lands is simply a deflection. We are talking about a right of return for those families who have been forcibly dispossessed only to be penned up in open air prisons.
They were not forcibly removed. The moment the U.N. partitioned the area, five Arab nations attacked Israel. They told the Arabs living there to get out of the way of their armies. The objective was to wipe out the Jews. The Arabs who left were assured they could return after the Jews were overrun, they could take over the homes and the property of the defeated Jews and rape their women to boot. The Arabs lost the war, the Jews won, so the Israelis get to make the rules. That’s how it’s worked in all other wars. And in all other wars, refugees have never been left to languish for decades.
I blame the U.N. for prolonging the situation and now the U.N. is going broke supporting 5 million Palestinians. It is Jordan, Iraq, and all the other Arab countries that have kept Palestinians penned up by not accepting them as equal citizens. It’s done on purpose, to keep the Israel/Palestinian conflict festering. If you think the rest of the Arab world cares about Palestinians, you are deluded. A bit of research on your part and you’d learn exactly how they’ve been treated by their fellow Muslims.
From the Gatestone Institute: More than 800 Palestinians have been killed and hundreds others injured since the beginning of the crisis in Syria nearly two years ago. In the past two weeks, thousands of Palestinians were forced to flee the Yarmouk refugee camp near Damascus after Syrian jets bombed their homes, killing dozens of people. More than 3000 refugees have fled to neighboring Lebanon, where some politicians and cabinet ministers are already calling for closing the border to stop the influx of Palestinians into their country. The Arab world, meanwhile, has done nothing to help the Palestinians in Syria. The Arab League did not hold an emergency meeting to discuss what Palestinians described as “massacres” against the refugees in Yarmouk, home to some 50,000 people.
“They were not forcibly removed. The moment the U.N. partitioned the area, five Arab nations attacked Israel.”
No. Here’s some fun facts for you.
Makes sense, since Obama sucks