Discussion for article #241218
Here we go again.
I can just see the take on this now by the US State Department and AIPAC. “This gives support for our decision to violate the the agreement that we never had any intention of complying with from the beginning. We just can’t reason with these radical regimes!”
ISRAEL took a LaND without a PEOPLe, a deSERT, and MADE it BLOSSom. PALEstinIAns, WHO are ACTUALLY JOrdaNIAns wanted a PIECe of the aCTION aND INVAded ERETz ISRAEL in DROVEs anD INTIMIDate ISraeLIS with TERRor ROCks and their Menacing swARTHiness PROVING YOU Can’t bargain wiTH SHIFTY MUSLIn aRAbs!111!!!one!!1!!!
Approx 1950 or thereabouts, the late Field Marshall Montgomery said this conflict would go on for 50 years.
Clearly, he was an optimist.
Or forever.
A land without a people? Sure, if those with dark skins don’t count.
That bit of Israeli propaganda (that I grew up on, by the way; I’m Jewish) shows the inherent racism of all forms of colonialism. If the world were a fair place, Israel would exist today in the land formerly known as Munich. Why the Palestinians were asked to bear the burden for European oppression of Jews has never been clear. Jews were treated well in the Muslim world. There were thriving communities throughout the region who were, for the most part, left alone to live and practice their religion in peace. By contrast, Jews were persecuted throughout most of Europe for centuries, the Holocaust being the exclamation point on a shameful history of oppression (at best) and frequent atrocity.
What is it in the culture of these people that drives them to continue this state of conflict decade after decade?
Do they simply need a leader that says enough is enough. Let’s find a way to make a genuine peace with Israel.
It’s plain that these folks never intended to honor ANY agreement signed in the past, but such signings have been regarded simply as another step in negotiations.
1.These people have already broken agreements made and done this numerous times.
2.They will not stop using violence.They even teach little kids to be terrorists.See videos of that on youtube.
3.They use rocks, firebombs, guns, vehicles, and any other weapon against innocent people.
4.They have terrorized Jews and Tourists who go to see Temple Mount.You can see them wearing masks and attacking people.
5.They shoot rockets into Israel and refuse to stop.
6.The majority of Palis support Terrorism.
7.Their Constitution calls for the death of Jews.
8.Abbas is a terrorist himself.
9.They are their own worst enemy.Everytime they get a break they screw it up by trying to kill more Jews.
Get back to us as soon as Israel stops building “settlements” on land they’re occupying in defiance of international law.
At yesterday’s Leadership Summit on ISIS, held at the UN and chaired by President Obama, Jordan’s King Abdullah commented on the urgency of dealing with the Israel-Palestine situation as part of an effort to diffuse tensions in the region.
Some may remember the Republicans last year swooning over King Abdullah, a trained fighter pilot, and comparing President Obama unfavorably to him as the coalition’s air strikes against ISIS began
His remarks were well-received yesterday.
Baba would definitely have approved.
I’ve always said just give Israelis a chunk of California. At the same time we could give back the parts that got stolen from Issei, Nisei and Sansei. This Holy Land shit is something I can’t abide.
There are a few larger problems to deal with first… but the people who care so much about the Palestinians don’t seem to give a damn if Muslims care Muslims.
He didn’t say this was what needed to be done first.
He included it in a list of things to do to defeat ISIS and the mentality that spawns extremism – pushing back against jihadist propaganda, fostering economic development, promoting jobs and education, supporting women’s rights, etc.
What is in the culture of these people that makes them refuse to accept Israeli occupation? I think it is that they are human beings, and human beings would never accept the conditions that Palestinians live in under Israeli control. It is the same thing that led Jews in Israel to fight (including using terrorist tactics) to get rid of the British.
What they need to make a genuine peace with Israel is a leader that says enough is enough, and leadership on the Israeli side that actually wants genuine peace. In Abbas they have had that leader for a decade, although whether his control of the Palestinians is enough given that his weakness in Gaza is less clear. But during that time Israel has worked consistently to make peace less possible. And the best they have offered is less onerous occupation.
Except that in the real world Abbas has given up on violence as a tactic for more than a decade. He has been rewarded with increased settlements in the West Bank (unlike Gaza where violence pushed the Israelis out).
For an almost 50 year occupation, in which enforced hunger has been used as a weapon, and settlement expansion has been used to make the occupation permanent, the level of violence Israel has faced is actually surprisingly small. One should expect it to increase, not because there is something culturally deficient about the Palestinians, but because Abbas approach of non-violence has been a dismal failure. Israel has taken advantage of it to make the Palestinians worse off. If one doesn’t think of the Palestinians as human beings this is easy to miss. That is to say, if they only exist to the degree that they complain about occupation, then one can miss the fact of occupation, as your comment does. And then it does appear that the Palestinian only exist to the degree that they react violently.