On a somewhat related note…Donald speech patterns
Awesome job of throwing paper towels to aid workers. The best.
Well, tick the box next to that humanitarian crisis. Next, “Lost Wages.” Where he will critically compare the death toll to the Battle of Normandy.
We should no longer be surprised at these kind of inappropriate, heartless remarks. It’s what this man does…unqualified, crooked and completely lacking any empathy for other human beings. In the immortal words of “The Dude,” he’s “human paraquat.”
Carnival barker. The American people elected exactly the man who campaigned, and anybody who feigns surprise should be shamed to within an inch of their dignity.
Trump is “out of whack!!”
The budget was a little bit out of whack before the hurricanes- to the tune of about $700 billion a year. He wants the Puerto Rican’s to feel guilty about that?
Remember that Irma also hit PR before Maria.
Trump: “…have a good time…”
Warmest slow death by hurricane…
Out of whack, Donnie-Boy?
Whack off!
You just know his earliest elementary school report card says: “Doesn’t play well with others.”
Once again, he demonstrates that if he is getting any briefings on these matters, he is not paying any attention at all.
Over and over again he passes on prejudices and false rumors and seems no more knowledgeable about whatever the current crisis is than some random joe who briefly looked up from his Candy Crush game in an airport lounge while Fox News was playing in the background.
Only plays with himself?
Yep. Even if you despise him, you can’t deny he never lied about exactly who he was or how he would lead. He has always been very upfront about his horribleness. I guess that makes it even more depressing, and why I dislike Trump fanboys more than Trump himself.
“There’s only so many thoughts.” There we are, they elected a mental little person(midget is not PC).
Paper towels?
Conquering soldiers usually throw chocolates to the locals.
I guess paper towels are more useful.
Too bad no WH staffer thought of throwing rolls of toilet paper at them.
The optics would have suited Trump much better.
I am sure the people of PR would rather Trump’s budget be “in whack.” It isn’t like they invited Maria ashore. What a maroon.
The fact of the matter is disaster response ranks right up there with defense as a reason we pay taxes. Nothing in the budget is a higher priority.
“Thousands and thousands died in Katrina.” Remember? http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/23/us/hurricane-katrina-statistics-fast-facts/index.html