Discussion: 'Orwellian': Flake Trashes Trump-Putin Presser, Pushes Non-Binding Resolution

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We need binding resolutions at this point Jeff.

If not directed at tRump maybe the Senate could pass one about 502 Bad Gateways?


As James Fallows and others have pointed out, if two senators who gave a damn decided to actually vote with the Democrats, they could do something about all this. Like, say, the two senators who are retiring. But you can’t be slinking off the playing field hoping not to get injured before the next championship round. You can’t be a big hypocrite wanker. You have to actually care about the country.

The one mentioned in the oath you took.



Funny that R’s sound like Dems when they’ve decided not to run again.


In the spirit of Flake I offer this: 502 Bad Gateway messages are irritating! Could you please possibly fix that, unless it’s too much trouble? Sorry to bother you.


This cannot continue. Something’s got to give and soon.


So we can vote on and pass a bill to support ICE, but not the intelligence community?

Really, fellas?


“What we saw earlier this week in Helsinki is what happens when you wage war on objective reality for nearly two solid years, calling real things fake and fake things real, as if conditioning others to embrace the same confusion.”

I’m glad he went there, but I’d expound on that by saying this is what happens when one of our two major political parties has self-propagandized for 35 years. This “war on objective reality” is a direct result of nonsense that began during the Reagan era.



Talk is cheap.

Anything short of changing your vote, Senator Flake, on something critical is a waste of air at this point.

And, Flake, choosing to prioritize the issue of CUBA (willing to hold up a judge nomination on the issue) over the security of your own freakin’ nation does not make you look good.


Exactly the feeling I get. I just hope donnie doesn’t beat everyone else to that particular deadline.


When Flake asked for the Senate’s unanimous consent to adopt the measure, Senate Republican Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) objected to it as a “symbolic act,” blocking it. Flake said he and Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) would bring it up again in the future.

Gee, thanks, Senator Cornyn - no one would have guessed that this was a symbolic act if you hadn’t pointed it out. Now, go piss up a rope. No, I mean go buy a rope at Home Depot and urinate on it.


Cheap, but not quite free. It’s important that as we bash Flake for offering mealy-mouthed spineless opposition, we remember that it is better than, say, Tom Cotton or James Inhofe who do not even muster that much.


I don’t think Orwell in this case. He didn’t write burlesque.


The Senate will read over this three-page blah blah more carefully when they get back from their month long August recess. Until then they’re planning their getaways and their fundraising junkets but come September 4 they’ll go directly to serious mode and ask to be reelected before they recess again until September 12.


“The governing is terrible…but such large portions!” -Derpy Flake


Fair enough.

I’ve gone from being aware of that cost (and the fact that anyone not “towing like line” completely sets off the mango monster) to complete intolerance with it.

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502 errors are how you know you’re interacting with the Publishing Platform Of The Future (echo echo echo).


The focus here needs to be on Cornyn. The thrust of his “symbolic” objection was that they needed to focus on business and pass laws. In plainer words it is a waste of their precious time.
Just how fucking long does a unanimous consent resolution take?


That’s a fair point. But I think it’s equally fair to ask him how much credit he wants us to give him. Without knowing more about his motivations, I think both he and Corker are looking down the road, weighing their presidential prospects, and trying to split the difference. They anticipate being able to tell sane voters they opposed the Trumpian debacle, being foresighted and crammed with integrity. And yet they don’t act in a way that hurts them with the base. This seems craven to me. If we have a problem, and we do, for Christ’s sake use your unique power to do something about it. So yes, I’m glad they say the right things, but their failure to do anything right is all the more frustrating. Would it even cost them so much?


You get the impression that if you brought up a resolution saying the preznit kinda sorta maybe ought to give some mild consideration to thinking about considering implying something marginally negative but mostly positive about Vladimir Putin, one of these stringhalted creamweasel Republicans would quash the darn thing. Truly good times around here.