Discussion: Orrin Hatch On Divided Court: 'It's Not The End Of The World'

Discussion for article #246050

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“Let’s be fair to both sides and let’s wait until this election is over…”

Except that isn’t fair to the current President, who just happens to be a Democrat. Nice try at playing reasonable, though, sparky.


How nice to see a senior Repusive Party Senator showing such concern for Bernie’s and Hillary’s desires.

Morman moron.


The Constitution says the President has the right to nominate AND appoint. If you don’t do your advice and consent per the Constitution, the President will APPOINT one for now. And if you take it to the Supreme Court, the best you get is a 4-4 vote, and frankly I’d say Roberts and Kennedy might tell the Senate to do their job per the Constitution as well.

No, it’s not the end of the world. But it IS how it’s supposed to be. We have 9 Justices. Period.


Just on the really controversial issues they will probably put them off for a year.

Can we please replay the tape about Republicans wanting and willing to do anything to keep President Obama from doing ANYTHING while President?


no… just another nail in the coffin of a once functioning democracy.

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The reckless guy in me wants PBO to nominate Ted Cruz, just to take up his summer, and watch the GOP sputter and blow a fuse, and then remember they hate Cruz as much as they hate PBO, and rip Ted’s arms off.


Recess appointment. Done. And done.

Fuk Off Republicans ! Thing is you will not even let a nomination go thru by a president who was majority elected so FUK YOU !

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It’s so nice of Senator Hatch to acknowledge that the next POTUS will be either Hillary or Bernie, and for him to be looking out for Democrats’ best interests in making SCOTUS truly liberal for years to come. I’m sure we’ll see Hatch announce soon that he is switching parties so as to be on the right side of history.


Take what? There is no case to take. This has been done at least 9 times in modern US politics (a President appointing a SCOTUS Justice in his final year in office)…7 of those have gone forward, 2 didn’t. There Constitution is quite clear on the term of office for a President. It is quite clear on the powers he has as President. And he has those powers from the moment he swears in till the next President swears in. The Constitution doesn’t provide for some declining scale of power over 4 years.


Hatch went even further, saying delaying the confirmation of a Scalia replacement until the next president takes office “is a smart thing to do rather than be in the middle of a presidential election that is so complicated and aggressive as this one.”

Fuck that line of reasoning, Senator Hatch, because the whole reason the “presidential election is so complicated” is people like you–the GOP/TP–work so diligently to create and stir shit that doesn’t need to be (created and stirred).


No Senator Hatch, the Constitution doesn’t say the President “has a right” it says he has an obligation.


Hatch claims he is looking out as much for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders as he is for a potential Republican President.
"If I was Hillary, I’d want the right to pick that judge. If I was Bernie I’d want the right to pick that judge.

The thing is one of them will be president and during their term they will pick at least two more.
We need to take back the senate. Get out and vote. Take people with you and go vote. I’m 50 and this may be the most important election in my lifetime.


Samantha Bee was brilliant on Scalia last night…


Everyone who has ever wasted two hours at customer service ANYWHERE recognizes Hatch’s tone:

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If the Democrats fold on this and let the GOP get away with it then they can expect to never have a SCOTUS justice confirmed basically ever. Everyone who isn’t literally humping a bible soaked in ammo grease will be the libbiest lib that ever libbed.

If Hatch and Republicans believe what they’re saying make it law. Propose a bill explicitly barring a President from nominating a SCOTUS Justice in the final calendar year of his term in office. Put your damned money where your mouth is.

What other vital functions of our democracy are we supposed to just hold off on for a year? How about giving Congress its next pay raise? Let’s wait another year (or maybe two or seven) before we address that one - you know, just to be fair.


This has been Hatch’s schtick forever. He promotes the same rabid party-line as Cruz or any of them, but talks in a calm voice and can spin anything without regard for the facts.